Chapter 9

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  Evan was waiting in his car. She knew he was, but she ignored him as she got out of her car and kept on walking straight ahead into the house.

It took minutes, hours...before he found the strength to talk to her.
He didn't know exactly where to start. When he got into the room, she was sitting at the edge of the bed...staring at nothing.

He came towards her, then stopped, she didn't acknowledge him still.

"I am sorry," he muttered, "it wasn't my intention. I never wanted all this to happen this way. I have no words to describe how sorry I am," he sighed, "it was all a mistake from the start. You shouldn't have brought her the first place."

Tonya turned to him, eyes dead...when she spoke her voice was toneless,
"Now you blame me," she shook her head, "I don't know what I was expecting but then, it's all good. I admit I made the mistake."

After some time he asked, "how did you find out?"

"How dare you ask me that?" Her voice now was tight... "You have no right!" She told him and turned away. "I need time and space...I'm leaving tomorrow"

Evan quickly knelt in front of her, he made to take her hands but she shifted them out of his reach.
"You can't let this little scenario come between us..."

Now she lost it. She slapped him, she had been aching to do this.
"How dare you! How dare you call this little, how dare you even pin it on me...I was only doing what I thought was right for us, for our marriage...spicing things up a little.
I expected you to think with your head and not that piece of stick dangling between your legs!" She finished, breathing heavily.

Evan nodded, she was right. He could have stopped it that night...he hadn't been dead drunk. But then hormones had set in and he had been powerless.
"How many times?"


"How many times did you fucking sleep with her?" He sighed

"Twice," she stood pushing him away.

"After that night?" He nodded "Why?"

"I am sorry," he pleaded, his voice raw with emotions.

Tonya knew he was sorry. But she couldn't forgive him just like that.
"I would never have done it a second time." She said turning back to him, he couldn't even look up at her.
He sat there beside their bed with his face in his hands...Tonya felt her heart soften.

"I can't do this...I can't deal," she muttered.

  The next morning, she packed her bags.
He begged her to stay, but it fell on deaf ears.


  Her mom took one look at her and knew something was definitely wrong.
"How long would you be staying?"

"My bags are in the car" Tonya replied, walking ahead.

"Tonya..." Agatha called going after her,

" you can hug me and ask me what went wrong?!" She retorted.

Her mother sighed and sat.
"I'm sure it's not something serious. It's something you and your husband can resolve," the woman sat, "come sit beside me" Tonya went to her.

"Where's dad?"

"On a business trip," Tonya burst into tears. Her mom held her close, "shh it would be alright child,"

After she was done bawling her eyes out, she sat up straight wiping her face with her hands.
"I'm hungry,"  she said.

"There's food in the kitchen."


😫 I keep updating it after two days and three days. Honestly I am so sorry.
School and the likes been taking my time, and occasionally I run out of ideas for these two!

PS your comments would still and always be appreciated. Thanks..

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