Chapter 1

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"After her men!" Agent Powers screamed at his men, 'What do they want from me' I said to myself.  My name is Lynn and I'm 33 years old and I'm being chase by the government, don't know why. Agent Powers yelled "You can run, but you can't hide, Lynn!" I started kept on running, but I twisted my right ankle, 'Damn' I said to myself. I kept on running and I heard gun shooting at me from agent Power's order, I got shot in the left shoulder and I screamed "AHHH!" So, I was looking somewhere to hide and I finally hid behind the huge rock. Power's partner Agent Trigger said to Powers "Damn it! We lost her" Powers added "Back to the headquarters men". The government men finally gone, but I need to find help to getting this bullet out of my left shoulder. I was looking for something to help me to walking with, since my right ankle twisted bad, so I found a big stick and started to walking to find someone to helping me.

At the mystery shack, Stan is making breakfast for his family. Ford is upstairs reading a book and said to Stan "So you and the kids are working at the mystery shack with Wendy and Soos today". Stan answered "Yup, Poindexter" and added "Kids, breakfast!" Dipper and Mabel are at the kitchen table with their grunkle Stan and grunkle Ford eating their breakfast together, they say good bye to Ford and went to the mystery shack. Ford heard a knock at the door and said to himself 'Who could that be?' He went up to the door and noticed there is a woman standing at his doorstep, she has medium brown hair with brown eyes and he noticed that she's hurt badly. Ford looked at her asked "May I help you?" and she replied "Help me", she fainted into his arms.

Ford brought me in his bedroom and he grabbed his first aid kit, he looked at me said to himself 'She's cute'. So Ford started cutting my sleeve on my left shoulder where the bullet is at, he grabbed the small knife started to cut deep enough to find the bullet and he found it, grabbed a tong to reaching the bullet out of my left shoulder. Ford putting the bullet down on the small plate, he started to stitching my left shoulder and wrapping it with bandages. Then he looked at my right ankle and putting the ice pack on it to bring the swollen down, 'Who are you?' Ford asked himself.

Dipper, Mabel and Stan came back from the mystery shack, Stan started making dinner for them. Ford came downstairs and said to them "Done with the mystery shack today", Mabel looked at her grunkle Ford's sweater yelled "GRUNKLE STAN! GRUNKLE FORD IS BLEEDING!" Stan ran up to Ford and asked "Poindexter, are you okay?" Dipper added "What happened, grunkle Ford?" Ford explained to them what happened while they were at the mystery shack and I needed help with my injuries and Stan said "She's going to be okay, right" Ford said "Yes. She's fine". After they had their dinner, they went to bedroom and Ford headed to his room to keeping his eyes on me.

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