Chapter 2

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The next morning, I woke up and sitting up, asked myself 'Where the hell am I?' I heard the door opened and I got off the bed and hiding behind the door with my walking stick, there was two men heading inside of the room and one of them asked "Where's she, Poindexter?" Ford was about to closed the door behind them and he noticed that I was about to hit him with my walking stick at him, but he jumped back said to me "Calm down, miss. You are okay and you are safe".  I lowered my walking stick down on the ground said "I am sorry, sirs. I thought that you're one of the government that wanted me to do something" and "My name is Stanford Pines, but you can call me Ford for short and this is my twin brother Stanley Pines. You can also call him Stan for short as well" said Ford. I looked at him replied "Hello Ford and Stan. My name is Lynn and thank you for saving me". I asked Ford and Stan "Where am I?" Ford replied "You are in my bedroom and I was taking care of you by taking the bullet out of your left shoulder and it looks like that your right ankle is better". I nodded my head at Ford.

So Stan said to me "I made some coffee, would you like some coffee" and I said to him "Yes please and thank you, Stan". Stan, Ford and I went downstairs to the kitchen to getting ourselves some coffee, I heard a little girl screaming saying "GRUNKLE FORD, IS SHE YOUR GIRLFRIEND???" Ford replied to Mabel "No Mabel, she is not my girlfriend", I walked up to the little girl and said "Hello there, my name is Lynn. It's was nice to meet you". Mabel shook my hand and replied "Hi Lynn. My name is Mabel Pines", the little boy went up to me added "And my name is Dipper Pines". I looked at Dipper, Stan, Mabel and Ford added "You guys are twins, yes?" They answered together "Yes", Ford walked up to me and told me to sit down on the kitchen chair said "Explained to us on what happened in the woods, Lynn?" I explained everything to Ford on what happened and Dipper asked "Did you say government?" I replied "Yes I did".  Dipper, Mabel and Stan looked at each other with a worry look on their faces, Stan looked at me replied "Lynn, we know the government very well...." Dipper said "Their names are Agent Powers and Agent Trigger", Mabel added "They were trying to take grunkle Stan to jail".

 I was shocked what I'm hearing that the government wanted to take Stan away from Dipper and Mabel, I was so pissed that my eyes are changing to sliver and all of sudden I started to growl. Stan yelled "What the heck was that?" Dipper asked "Is that a wolf outside?" My eyes just change back to normal and I felt dizzy about to fall, Ford caught me in time, Mabel asked me "Lynn, are you okay?" "I'm fine, Mabel" I answered. Stan said " Well, the kids and I are going to the mini golf with Soos and Wendy, do you and Ford wanted to join us?" I shook my head no and Ford said "No thanks Stan. I'm just going to stay here with Lynn and we'll gonna chat for a bit, okay". They say their goodbyes and they're off to meet Soos and Wendy,  Ford looked at me said "Lynn, I think I know why they're after you." I say "You do?" Ford replied "You're a wolf, Lynn".

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