Chapter 4

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The next day I've noticed that the kids and Stan came back from the store and I asked "What's going on?" Mabel replied "It's summerween?" I looked confused and Stan explained to me "We love Halloween so much that the mayor decided that we should celebrate Halloween during the summer and in October as well" Ford asked "Do you celebrate Halloween, Lynn?" 'Oh boy, don't think that Stan is going to be happy with my answer' I said to myself. I looked at them and replied "To be honest, I don't celebrate Halloween at all" Stan, Soos, Dipper, Wendy and Mabel screamed at the same time "WHAT??" 

Ford asked me "Why don't you celebrate Halloween, Lynn?" I explained to them the reason why I don't celebrate Halloween and Ford nodded his head added "Okay, we won't forcing you to celebrate Halloween". "Thank you Ford" I said to him, later that night Dipper, Stan, Mabel, Soos and Wendy are getting ready for trick or treating with their friends. Stan is dressing up as a vampire, Soos dressed up as a wrestler, Wendy dressing up as a pirate and as Dipper and Mabel are dressing up as the Ghostbusters. Ford and I looked at each other, "You guys looked awesome in your costumes" I said to them. Dipper and the gang said thank you to me, but I noticed that Ford didn't wear a costume and I asked him "Why aren't you wearing a costume, Ford?" Ford replied "Halloween is not my thing" and Stan added "That's true Lynn".

Someone is at the door and Mabel said "That must be Candy and Grenda", they came inside Candy dressing up as a piece of candy and Grenda dressing up as a witch. Ford said to Stan "Well, me and Lynn will be at the mystery shack to cleaning up the mess that you guys made" he looking at Stan and the kids, so we left them heading our way to the mystery shack. Dipper heard the knock on the door and said "Can he understand that we're won't be here at all", he opened the door and said "Dude, look you're way too old to trick or treating". Soos walking towards Dipper said "That's the Summerween Trickster!" The trickster said to them "All of you are going to collecting 500 pieces of candy before the last watermelon light blow out or I'll eat you guys", the trick or treater walked up and said "Trick or Treat" The trickster saw the kid and grabbed him swallow him up! Dipper and the gang screamed "AHHH!" and Dipper slammed the door behind them, Stan said to the kids "We better getting started on collecting the 500 pieces of candy then".

At the mystery shack Ford and I were cleaning up, I could hear someone screaming further down the town where Stan and the kids trick or treating with their friends. Ford asked me "What's wrong, Lynn?" I looked at him replied "Something is wrong and I think that Stan and the kids are in danger". Ford grabbed his gun and I took off my unicorn bracelet handing it to him, he looked at me said "I'm hold it on for you", then my eyes are turning sliver and  I transformed into a white wolf. Ford and I started running towards the town to find Stan and the kids, Dipper and the gang running away from the trickster that transformed into candy monster. 

Stan, Soos, Dipper, Wendy, Mabel, Candy and Grenda are heading towards the store to hiding from trickster. Mabel looked at Dipper asked "What are we going to do, Dipper?" Suddenly Dipper heard someone shooting at the trickster and yelled "Quickly, Stan take the kids somewhere safe while I'll dealing with the trickster!" Stan and the kids heading out of the store to finding a better place to hide, Ford kept on shooting at the trickster and started to run.. he tripped over a branch and looked up at the trickster, it about to grabbed Ford and I ran up to it fighting it because I'm protecting Ford. The trickster yelled "AHHH!" and I looked at Ford started running and finally the kids defeated the trickster by having Soos eating the trickster.

The next day after Summerween, the kids and Stan are having breakfast waiting for me and Ford. Dipper saw Ford said "Good morning grunkle Ford" Ford replied "Morning everyone". Mabel noticed that I wasn't with him and asked "Where's Lynn, grunkle Ford?" Ford was about to say something and Stan noticed me coming upstairs said "Hey there Lynn". I waved to everyone and Dipper said "Grunkle Ford, thank you for saving us from the trickster last night" Mabel looked at me added "Lynn. Ford saved us from the trickster last night" I looked at Ford and Stan also added " We also saw white wolf with beautiful sliver eyes", I just smile at them. "Let's go mini golfing with Wendy and Soos today together" I said to them and they all agree to go to the mini golf with Soos and Wendy, Ford looked at me just gave me a kiss on the cheek and I did the same thing on the lips.

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