Chapter 23

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I can feel the sadness inside of my heart knowing that Ford will save me or he have to shoot me in order to protecting his family, 'I'm so sorry Ford' I said to myself. At the mystery shack Stan is worried about Ford because he still in his lab to finding away to saving me from brain washed from Agent Powell, Dipper said to Stan "He still not coming up, grunkle Stan". Stan shook his head said "No, Dipper" Mabel went up to them and said "Grunkle Ford hasn't came up here for the past 5 days, grunkle Stan", Soos added "I agree with Mabel, Mr. Pines".

"Well, what do you guys wanted me to do about it?" Stan asked the kids. While Ford is in his lab, he was still looking at his photo of him and I together hanging out with the kids. 'I will find away to saving you and we will getting married, Lynn. I promised!' I said to myself. I have decided to go upstairs to making myself a cup of coffee, Stan saw me at the kitchen and said "Hey Poindexter". 

Ford looked at Stan, said "I have a plan, Stan" and Stan said "Okay Poindexter. I'm listening, tell me about your plan." So Ford was explaining his plan to Stan and the kids that he's going to beat Agent Powell in his own game, Dipper asked Ford "Is this what Lynn wanted?" Mabel added "Or is this what YOU wanted, grunkle Ford?" Stan looked at Ford and looked back at the kids, said to Dipper and Mabel "Your grunkle is doing this for Lynn and himself, okay". 

Wendy asked Ford "When do we start?" Soos walked up behind Stan said "Mr. Pines, I grabbed allot of paintball guns and your journal as well, Dr. Pines". "Thanks Soos!" said Ford, Dipper, Stan, Mabel, Soos and Wendy are ready to fight against Agent Powell together as a family. Ford went up to the Agent Powell at the headquarter and yelled "POWELL! I WANT MY GIRLFRIEND BACK!" Agent Powell came outside with Lynn next to him and Stan looked pissed seeing Lynn standing next to him, Stan said to her "Lynn! Snap out of it!"

I looked at Ford and said to him "Help me". Ford and the gang are ready to fight, Agent Powell looked at them with an evil smile said to Ford "Lynn attack Dr. Stanford Pines! NOW!" Ford started to run as fast as he can, I transformed into a white wolf chasing him. Stan yelled to the kids "Let's do this!" While Stan and the others fighting against Agent Powell' men, while Agent Powell watching Ford being chased by me.

Ford tripped over the rock said to me "Lynn, you need to beat this. I don't want to hurt you", I scratched Ford's arm and he screamed "AHHH!" Ford fighting me and he shot me with a syringe in my neck, I was black out. 

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