Chapter 17

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Dipper and Mabel woke up this morning, they were heading downstairs and they sees us drinking our cup of coffee. Dippers said to us "Good morning everyone!" Ford said "Greetings Dipper and Mabel", Mabel grabbed her Mabel juice asked "Does anyone wanted some of my Mabel juice?" Everyone shaking their heads saying no to her.

I smile at them, but then I heard something heading our way. Stan and Ford noticed that I was standing up, Wendy asked "What's wrong, Lynn?" I looked nervous that I was hiding behind Ford, Soos looked Stan asked "Mr. Pines, is she okay?" Stan said to Soos and Wendy "Wendy and Soos, I needed you guys to taking Dipper and Mabel on a monster hunting", Wendy and Soos nodded their heads agreeing with Stan to taking Dipper and Mabel to monster hunting. 

Stan waved at them and tell them to have fun and be safe, he finally closing the door and heading towards me and Ford. Ford said to me "Lynn, you heard something, didn't you" and I replied to them "He's back, Ford", Stan added "Who's back, Lynn?" I looked at them "Gideon, he's back", Ford grabbed my hand and said "Go down to the lab and stay there, Lynn. I'll let you know that it's safe for you to come back up here". I said to him "Okay", I went downstairs in the lab and Ford closing the vending machine. 

Stan got his double brass knuckles and Ford got his dimensional gun, Stan said "There he is". Gideon came to the mystery shack and yelled "Stanley and Stanford! Give me Lynn or else!" Ford yelled back "Or else what, Gideon?" Dipper, Wendy, Soos and Mabel went back to the mystery shack from the back door, closing it and locking it. Stan looked at them said "Kids" and Ford asked "What are you guys doing here?"

Mabel said "We figured that Gideon is back, so we decided to coming back here and helping you guys". Gideon yelled "Give me Lynn now, Stanford!" Ford yelled back at Gideon "NO!" Gideon is getting very angry and said "Fine, have it your way then", Stan looked at them said "We needed a plan" and Ford added "He wants to fight, then we should fight back". Ford, Stan, Wendy, Soos, Dipper and Mabel are outside waiting for Gideon and his men, Stan yelled back at Gideon "If you wanted Lynn, then you have to go through the Pines family and her friends as well".

Gideon smiled at them said "Attack!" They all starting to fighting against each other, Dipper punched one of the Gideon's men in the face and Soos, Wendy and Mabel did a triple tag team against the other Gideon's men. Stan and Ford were fighting against Gideon, Gideon has a knife swinging it at Stan and slask Stan's right arm, 'Damn it!' Stan yelled to himself. Ford screamed at Gideon "SHE DOESN'T LIKE YOU!" Gideon screamed back at Ford "SHE'LL BE MINE STANFORD!" 

Ford tripped over the big rock, he twisted his left ankle and he couldn't getting up. Stan yelled "POINDEXTER!" Then suddenly everyone saw a white wolf jumped off the boulder and standing between Gideon and Ford, I was growling at Gideon moving towards him and his men. I was barking and growling at him and his men, Gideon looked terrified asked "What's with the wolf, Stanford?" Ford said "The wolf is ready for my command, telling him to attacking you. But if I were you, I'd run away and never coming back".

Gideon looked at the wolf and said to his men "Retreat!" Ford and the others were so happy that Gideon and his men has been defeated, Ford turned around saw me in my white wolf formed. Ford found my unicorn hair bracelet putting it on my left hand and I was back to normal, I looked at him said to him "Come on Ford, you know that you love me" and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

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