Chapter 7

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Everyone is still asleep and I started to tossing and turning in my sleep, I was inside of my mindscape  and I just lookin around asked "Is anyone here?" I said to myself 'Where am I?' Then I saw Ford running away from the government with me as a white wolf, so I followed them to see what's going on. I noticed that they captured Stan and the kids in the cage, Ford in my dream said to agent Powers "Don't do this!" Agent Powers screamed at Ford "SHE'S MINE! I WILL CONTROL HER WHATEVER I WANTED TO TELL HER TO DO, DR.PINES!" Agent Powers looked at me and screamed "LYNN! KILL THEM NOW!" 

I launched at Ford started to killing him....I screamed "NO!" I woke up with sweats on my face and looking around and everyone else are still asleep, except Ford looked at me and replied "Are you okay, Lynn?" I got up went outside sitting down on the old couch and Ford followed me outside with two cups of hot chocolate, added "Nightmare?" I answered "Yea" and Ford asked "What happened in your dream?" So I explained my dream to him and he looked at me replied to me "It's not going to happen, Lynn. I love you so much that I'll making sure that he WON'T be able to controlling your mind". 

The next morning Ford and I just having a cup of coffee, Stan said to us "Good morning Poindexter and Lynn", Ford said "Morning" back at Stan and the kids heading towards the kitchen to have some breakfast. I wasn't hungry at all, I got up went outside for a fresh air. Dipper and Mabel looked at Ford with a worry look on their faces, Stan asked "Is Lynn okay?" Ford replied "I'll talk to you later, Stan". Mabel said "Dipper and I are going to hangout with Soos and Wendy. We'll be back for dinner", Ford and Stan waved them goodbye to them.

Stan is waiting for Ford to explained to him of what's wrong with me, Ford looked at Stan replied "Look, Lynn has a nightmare that we were captured by the government and Agent Powers told her to kill us because she was control by Agent Powers". Stan was shocked of what Ford said to him about my nightmare, added "She knows that it's just a dream, right?" Ford also explained to him about that as well...Ford added "I'm worried that she'll be in danger".

Stan sigh and look at Lynn outside, he turned his head facing Ford replied "Why don't you go into her mindscape and followed her in her dream, Poindexter?" Ford replied "That's not a bad idea, Stan. You're coming with me to her mindscape and followed her in her dream as well." So Stan and Ford both agreed that they're going to Lynn's mindscape tonight.

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