Chapter 14

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A month later Agent Powell is still trying to find me, but he couldn't find me at all. Agent Powell called Agent Trigger and Agent Trigger came up to him, he asked him "Is there any conformation on where's Lynn and Dr. Pines are at, yet?" Agent Trigger replied "No sir, but we are close", he looked at Agent Trigger said "Keep on looking men". Back at the mystery shack Stan, Ford, Dipper and Mabel are heading to the laser tag with Soos and Wendy. Wendy asked Dipper and Mabel "Where is Lynn?" Ford replied "I don't know, she wasn't at the mystery shack today".

Soos said to them "Well, let's just play laser tag then", Ford and the others went inside of the laser tag arena. Soos went up to Stan and handed him a note, Soos added "It's for you, Mr. Pines" and Stan opened the note it says: "Stan, I'm in the laser tag arena and I'm waiting for you guys for awhile. Here's the plan you are teaming up with me only you and if you needed help just asked Mabel and Soos because they know about the plan. Ford is teaming up with Wendy and Dipper, here's the thing Mabel is going to get Dipper, you and Soos are getting Wendy because I'm aftering Ford,okay. -Lynn" 

Stan smiled and went up to the others, Stan said to them "Let's team up, it's going to be Ford with Dipper and Wendy. My team is Soos and Mabel with me" and Ford agreed with Stan. Stan, Soos and Mabel are in the blue team and Ford, Dipper and Wendy are in red team, Ford yelled at Stan "My team will beat your team, Stan!" Stan yelled back at him "In your dream, Poindexter!" Stan told Soos and Mabel the plan "Okay here's what Lynn said in this note. Soos and I are trying to keeping Wendy busy, and Mabel you're going to keep Dipper busy as well". Mabel asked Stan "Who's going to get Ford?" Stan replied "Lynn is going to get him" and the laser tag begins!

Ford replied to Dipper and Wendy "Here's the plan Dipper, you can distracting Mabel. Wendy you can distracting Soos and I going to get Stan, let's do this!" I looked at Stan and Stan looking straight back give me a wink telling me that Ford is alone. Wendy looked at Soos and Stan are aftering her, she said to them "Hey that's not fair, man" and Mabel getting Dipper, he asked "Who's aftering grunkle Ford?" I was following Ford and it's funny how he is trying to find Stan, then I took the shot at him and the laser vest just blinking lights showing.

Ford looked at his laser vest and said to himself 'Who got me already?' I giggled and said to myself 'This is going to be fun', Ford is calling out his team "Dipper? Wendy? Where are you guys?" Stan explained to Dipper and Wendy about my plan, they agreed with him that it's going to be funny. Ford sees his vest blinking lights on and off showing, he keeps looking around saying "Where are you Stan?" The game is over and everyone is out of the arena to looking at their team scores, Ford team points are 10,000 and Stan team points are 15,000. 

Ford is shocked and asked "How can it be?" Stan said "Turn around Poindexter" and Ford turned around sees me behind him, I added "I helped him getting you". Ford is upset with me, but he can't be upset any longer because I gave him a kiss on the cheek and I whispered to his ear "I'll make it up to you". Ford looked at me replied "You better, Lynn. Now let's go home shall we" and we're headed home as a family, but I stopped walking with them and Ford turned around asked me "Are you okay, Lynn?" I black out and fell into Ford's arms, Stan and Ford screamed "LYNN!" 

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