Chapter 6

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Earlier this morning Ford and I went to the diner for breakfast, lazy Susan asked us "What would you guys like to have for breakfast?" Ford replied "We would like blueberry pancakes and two cups of coffee, one is just black coffee and other one with sugar and cream" and lazy Susan said "Okay coming right up". I looked at Ford said "You surprise me all the time, Ford", Ford looked at me replied with a smile "I know and that's why you love me". 

After breakfast we decided to take a walk in the woods and suddenly we heard something behind the bushes, "Who's there? Show yourself!" Ford yelled. It was Stan and the kids came out behind the bushes, Ford ask Stan "What are you guys doing here?" Stan replied "We're looking for you guys because you guys weren't at the house--" Mabel jumped right in of cutting her grunkle Stan's explanation and screamed "GRUNKLE STAN! GRUNKLE FORD AND LYNN WERE ON A DATE!" 'Seriously does she has a dating radar or something?' I asked to myself, Ford and I were blushing... 

Dipper  looked at Stan and said "We told you so, grunkle Stan, so pay up". Stan disappointed at himself for losing the bet with Mabel and Dipper, he handed them $5 each, I said to Stan "That's sad that you lost the bet to 13 year old kids, Stan" and Ford started to laugh at Stan added "Lynn has a point, Stan". Anyway we're heading back to the mystery shack and Soos said "Hey Mr. Pines, Dipper and Mabel!" Stan replied "Soos, what is it?" Soos holding a bracelet and asked us "Did one of you lose a bracelet earlier?" 

 I looked down at my left hand that the bracelet just fell off, Ford looked at me noticing my eyes are turning sliver and he grabbed the bracelet out of Soos hand replied "Thanks Soos for finding my bracelet". Ford grabbed my hand, headed towards the lab so that Stan, Dipper, Wendy, Soos and Mabel knows that Lynn is the wolf that the government is looking for and the same wolf that saved them from the summerween trickster. Ford put the unicorn bracelet back on my hand and my eyes are back to normal, I looked up at him and said "That is too close, Ford". "Lynn, you need to be careful or the government will find you" said Ford, I gave him a hug replied "I'm sorry, it won't happen again".

Ford said "We need to tell them the truth, Lynn" and "I'm worry what would they said to us" I said to him. Ford sighed grabbed my hand added "Trust me they will understand and they will protecting you from the government, even Stan is willing to beating the government ass." 'I guess that you're right, Ford' I said to myself, "Tonight we'll tell them after dinner" said Ford and we agreed, went back upstairs from his lab.

After dinner Stan, Wendy, Soos, Dipper and Mabel are sitting down in the living room and Ford walked up to them said "We have something to tell you guys". I walked up to Ford, while he's holding my hand and Stan asked "What is it, Poindexter?" Dipper added "Yeah, grunkle Ford." and Mabel also added "Is there something wrong with Lynn, grunkle Ford?" I took off my unicorn bracelet and handed to Ford, the gang noticed my eyes are changing to sliver eyes transformed into a white wolf. 

Stan, Dipper, Wendy, Soos and Mabel are shocked that I transformed into a white wolf with beautiful sliver eyes, Ford looked at them and replied "That's what the government wanted Lynn for, so they can controlling her to do the dirty work for them". Stan said to Ford "Wait a minute Poindexter. You're saying that Lynn saved us from the trickster on the summerween night" Dipper added "Grunkle Ford, you knew that she can transformed into a white wolf" Ford nodded his head and Wendy looked at me and said "Lynn, you look awesome", Soos and Mabel agreed with Wendy on it. I just sitting there wagging my tail and Ford nodded his head, plus he putting the unicorn bracelet back on my hand and I transformed back to normal.

Stan said to me "We will protecting you from the government, if I have to kicking their ass to not messing with the PINES!" and he gave me a hug and so did Dipper, Soos, Wendy and Mabel giving me a hug as well. Ford looked at me and said "I told you so, Lynn" and we gave each other a kiss on the lips, Mabel screamed "SLUMBER PARTY!" and so we had a slumber party together.

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