Chapter Five

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Is it bad that when I go to church with my sister I'm mostly looking for good looking guys from the suburbs.


Thomas had went back to sleep claiming he was exhausted still, but in truth he just needed some time to think. He laid in his canopy his blanket on the lower half of his body. He looked up at the stars glaring down at him, he started counting them to find some type of peace but he couldn't.

He could hear the others around him finally trudging to bed, he sighed and shut his eyes just in case someone like Newt would check if he actually did go to bed. He put his blanket up to his chin but he still felt cold, he curled up in a ball trying to trap his warmth but that didn't work either.

He could hear everyone talking in a hushed tone as others started to fall asleep.Thomas tried to drift off but he couldn't so he decided to just stare up at the night sky.He could hear the whisper become silence and snores coming alive.

He sat up and slipped out of his canopy, he made his way towards Minho's sleeping area which was just a space or two away from Newt's. He could see Minho looking up from where he laid and smiled.

"Minho." He whispered catching the attention of the runner.

"Tommy?"He sat up with an arched eyebrow.

"Yeah."Thomas stepped cautiously his way, afraid he might wake the others.

Minho grinned and brought opened his blanket so that Thomas could climb into his bed secretly. Thomas climbed in and Minho covered him almost completely, the only thing you could see was a piece of Thomas's hair.Minho wrapped his arms around Thomas tightly, and shut his eyes with a tired yawn.

"Minho."Thomas mumbled into his chest.

"hmm?"Minho hummed quietly.

"You're really warm."Thomas yawned and shut his eyes enjoying the warmth.

"No klunk." Minho grinned and rested his chin on Thomas's head.

"and I think I just might like you." Thomas grinned.

"Same goes to you Tommy." Minho gripped him a little tighter and Thomas sighed.

Both boys drifted to sleep, both clutching on to one another. Thomas was snoring softly on Minho's chest, Minho shifted his weight so that they both could be more comfortable. The canopy rocked slightly with his movement, but he was used to the soft sway.


Thomas ran towards the command center, he sprinted as fast as his legs would let him. He could feel the blood pumping in his veins and how out of breath he felt.

He ignored the feeling and turned a sharp corner almost falling. Tear's pricked at his eyes but he blinked them away he still had time. He could hear shouts from a distance.

He pushed himself harder he was almost their, he could make it. He could finally see it. Minho was being guided by two guards towards the command center, Thomas felt his legs weaken but he couldn't stop not now.

"Minho!" He yelled his voice hoarse.

Minho twisted so that he could turn and see Thomas. Tears streamed down the older boy's eyes, he tried to get out of the guards hold but they were too strong. Minho thrashed harder kicking his legs around in attempt to escape.

"Thomas." Minho cried out his face red.

Thomas finally reached them and tried to pry their fingers from his boyfriend. He pulled as hard as he could groaning angrily at the guards.

"I have to say goodbye." Thomas cried tears pooling out of his eyes.

"Let him say goodbye to me you sons of bitches." Minho roared.

About three scientists had come out of one of the many rooms connected to the hallway. They looked at the boys with a mixture of pity and annoyance.

"Thomas you're only making this harder on yourself." A rat like man spoke shaking his head, "let him go."

"No, let me say goodbye." Thomas demanded.

"Alright, as long as you let him go after." the rat man glared.

"I promise." Thomas breathed weakly tears still falling out of his eyes.

"Guards let him go." The man spoke with authority and they did almost immediately.

Thomas rushed into Minho's arms and they hugged tightly. Thomas was shaking in Minho's arms crying quietly. Minho was gripping him tightly also sobbing softly.

"I love you so much." Minho whispered close to his ear so that nobody else would hear them.

"I love you, don't forget about us, fight it." Thomas whispered back holding him tighter.

"I will. I swear, baby." Minho swore.

"Alright times up, guards take him!" The man growled.

The guards ripped the boys apart. Thomas cried out as Minho was dragged away forcefully. Minho looked back at him one last time before being shoved into the control center.

Thomas stood their alone. Empty.

Thomas woke in cold sweats, Minho snored softly completely knocked out.
Thomas sat up careful not to rock the canopy too much. Thomas tried to move only to discover Minho's s arm wrapped around his waist.

Thomas gently moved Minho's arm and climbed out of the canopy. Everyone around him was asleep, he figured this was a good time for him to grab a bottled water and head back to his own canopy. Thomas trudged towards the kitchen quietly so to not disturb anyone.

He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a cool water bottle. He opened it a took a swig from it, he started towards his own resting area. The walk was silent until Thomas heard a twig snap from a distance.

He turned only to see nothing there, he continued walking a little more hesitant this time around. He was almost to his bed now he drank more water.

"Psst." He heard from behind him and turned to see Newt standing there waving his hand at him.

Thomas blinked a few times confused, but stopped walking towards his bed and to Newt. His steps were cautious. What was Newt doing up so late?

Thomas stopped in front of the other boy with out a word. Newt watched him suspiciously.

"What are you doing out of bed so late greenie?" Newt scowled.

"Just went to go get some water." Thomas wasn't exactly lying now was he.

"Oh, it's just odd seeing someone else up this late." Newt sighed rubbing at the bridge of his nose, "I'm used to just walking around in peace not seeing the other boys till sun rise."

"Do you sleep?" Thomas questioned obviously concerned.

"of course I sleep, just not for long periods of time." Newt shrugged.

"Have you tried going back to sleep to see if that'll help." Thomas suggested.

"No but I'll try, thanks Tommy." Newt patted his shoulder and walked towards the other sleeping boys.

How weird, Thomas shrugged and turned back around to go to sleep in his own bed. He made it there quickly cause it wasn't too far of a walk. He gulped the rest of his water and laid down.

The dream or nightmare from earlier surfaced to his thoughts, it all felt so real for him. The pain in his legs, his pleas, their hug. Thomas sighed what is with those weird dreams and how could he try and understand them when he can't even understand the situation he's in.

He shut his eyes. He would be so much more comfortable in Minho's bed with Minho in it right now. But sooner or later the others would wake and with their waking would come questions, Thomas didn't want that.

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