Chapter Two

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I read maze runner way before it was announced to be a movie,but still fell in love with each of the actors and actresses.


Thomas woke with a soft grunt, the sun shined brightly blinding him. He groaned quietly and got out of bed with slumped shoulders. He could still hear the soft snores of his new best friend,Chuck. Thomas slipped on his shoes and trudged tiredly to the shack where he could hear the runners almost shouting.

He groaned quietly to himself, they were all most likely arguing about him. He sucked in a large breath before opening the old wooden door. The room became completely still as he entered, everyone stopped shouting and stared at him. Thomas couldn't feel more out of place, sure he belonged as a runner but not as a friend. Everyone but Minho was glaring at him. Minho smiled at him and clapped a hand on his shoulder, Thomas smiled sheepishly at the others.

"This is our new runner, Thomas." Everyone continued to stare, not one single person smiled or grinned.

Thomas had felt his excitement pop like a balloon right then and there.His smile dropped and he looked down at his worn out shoes. He didn't understand how his shoes had become worn out already if he'd only had them for two whole days. He kicked at the shacks floor which was just dirt.

"Alright, why don't you guys get a head start while I help Thomas gear up." Minho had authority laced in his tone, Thomas took note of that.

Some nodded while others grunted angrily, but everybody started running out of the shack and into the maze. Thomas looked back at Minho who smiled brightly at him, Thomas felt his stomach erupt with butterflies but still managed to smile back. Minho's cheeks flushed red, Thomas wasn't sure if that was his fault or if something else had made the other boys cheeks turn extremely red. Minho quickly recovered from his embarrassment and grabbed some clothes from a box underneath a table.

"All the equipment you need is right in this box." Minho pulled out a pair of under wear, "And these are for comfort for when we run."

Thomas' face turned a bright red but he nodded. Minho tossed him a pair and he caught them. Minho took out a vest next and grinned brightly at Tom, Minho slid it towards him and he grabbed it curiosity shining in his bright brown eyes. He lifted it up as if it was dangerous and then set it down by his underwear.

"The vest is just something to help you run, and gladers will know that you're a runner if you wear it, "he smirked. "They'll know that i'll kick their butts if they mess with you."

""Thomas was flustered.

Minho continued to grin grabbing a couple more things from the box and then setting it back under the table. Minho had grabbed a backpack, runners, and a smaller pack for food. Thomas studied the items and Minho patted his shoulder.

"Gear up greenie we have a long day ahead of us." Minho walked out the shack to give Thomas some privacy.

Thomas starred at the now closed door, what has he gotten himself into. He slipped off his pants quickly and changed his underwear. His dirty underclothes were stuffed in a plastic bag Minho left for him. He tied it tightly, then put on his pants, and tied on his runners. The last thing he had to put on was his vest.

There was a soft knock on the door and Thomas fumbled with the straps of the vest. Another knock and Thomas's fingers slipped again.

"Tommy can I come in?" Minho questioned from the other side and Thomas gave up on the vest entirely.

"Yeah." Thomas mumbled and the door swung open.

Minho chuckled and leaned against the door board. Thomas felt his cheeks warm but tried to fasten the vest again. He just couldn't.

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