Chapter Nine

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Cravings are weird like one minute I want cookies and next I want cheesy popcorn.

Minho sprinted down the maze corridor and Thomas was beside him pumping his legs just as hard. Sweat droplets fell from both of there faces as Minho ran his fingers through the vines of one wall and Thomas did the same but to another wall. All they could feel was the thick vines that almost completely covered the concrete walls of the maze, no beatle blades were found.

"This is frustrating, where the hell are they?!" Thomas yelled over the roar of wind that came from their running.

"We'll-" Minho stopped dead in his tracks causing Thomas to do the same,"I found one!"

"Finally." Thomas breathed and let air come into his lungs.

"I know." Minho grinned breathlessly and snatched the beatle blade off the wall.

Minho took off his backpack and unzipped it, he tossed the beatle blade into bag and rezipped it. He slung his bag onto his shoulder and sighed. Thomas tossed him a water bottle and he thanked him chugging his water with a refreshed sigh. Minho gave Thomas one last nod before sprinting again, Thomas sighed and ran straight behind him his legs really feeling the ache from all the running they've been doing.

Minho turned abruptly causing Thomas to turn along with him but only to fall and hit his back against one of the concrete maze walls. He let out a groan of pain the back of his head throbbing, Minho skid to a stop and rushed back to Thomas who was laying on the floor. Thomas clutched the back of his head blinking back tears Minho kneeled besides Thomas concern etched on his face.

"Thomas are you okay?" Minho lifted Thomas up so that he was sitting up.

"No, my head." Thomas groaned still clutching the back of his head.

"Let me see." Minho demanded but Thomas didn't move his hand,"Tommy, please."

Thomas moved his hand to see blood on his finger tips, panic rushed throughout his body but Minho's gentle hand calmed him down a little. Minho checked the back of Thomas's scalp, Thomas's hair was caked with blood making it difficult for Minho to see what was really causing his head to bleed. Thomas let out a soft whimper and Minho snapped out of his thoughts helping Thomas up.

"Let's get you back to the others." Minho wrapped his arm around Thomas' waist.

"Okay." Thomas breathed feeling a bit woozy from standing up.

Minho kept a tight grip on Thomas just in case he were to crumple from lack of strength. Minho walked as fast as he could to the glade so that he could get thomas the help that he needed, Thomas dragged his feet making it harder for Minho to walk any faster then he already was. Thomas started seeing black spots in his vision, he blinked rapidly trying to keep his focus so that he could make it into the glade but he was finding that very hard to do.

"You okay Tommy?" Minho grunted one of his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah I'm okay, lets just get to the glade." Thomas took a deep breath trying to keep consciousness.

Minho nodded and pushed on every so often stopping to catch his breath. He could see Thomas's eyes starting to droop causing him to quicken his pace, with every step he felt himself losing energy but he pushed on for the sake of Thomas. Thomas started slipping in his grip and Minho held onto him tighter the fear of losing Thomas to a concussion crept into his veins and he let out a loud grunt practically dragging Thomas now.

"Tommy listen to me keep your eyes open!" Minho demanded scaring Thomas enough for his eyes to grow wide.

"Sorry." Thomas spoke barely above a whisper.

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