Chapter Twelve

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Scorch Trials was

The four boys sprinted towards the cabin, Newt struggling to stay in line with the others and Derek jogging slowly so that Newt wouldn't feel bad about being the slowest out of all of them. Thomas practically slammed the door to the shed open, Teresa jumped from her spot on the bed. She rubbed at her temple, Thomas looked like he wanted to apologize but his thoughts were too frantic for him to even try.

"Teresa, how do we get out of here!" Thomas spoke but he fumbled around the room as if he was looking for something important but he didn't know what.

It was as if his brain wanted him to remember to grab something that he needed before leaving the glade. He opened dresser after dresser everyone in the room watching as he buzzed around in the room, Thomas let out a frustrated huff before giving up and looking at the other's.

"First we have to get into the maze." She rubbed at her head, "there should be a huge you know which one I'm talking about?"

"Yeah, I always thought that was just part of the maze." Minho shrugged.

"On the right wall there's sort of a bridge that leads to you to a hole, that's how the greivers get in, if we can get through there we're home free." She stood up a little wobbly at first but she quickly regained her balance.

"Sounds like a plan." Alby nodded liking the idea.

"How would we even get through? That's the greivers homes they'd kill us." Derek interjected.

"Kill'em." Minho scowled.

"That's not exactly easy." Derek shook his head.

"We'll think of something." Newt reassured him.

Derek stood quiet automatically trusting Newt. Thomas listened in to the conversation but felt as if he was forgetting something important. Minho was watching him, that's when Thomas finally remembered what he needed.

"I'll be right back!" Thomas chirped and sprinted out of the homestead.

Minho was about to argue but he assumed whatever it was it must have been important seeing that Thomas just ran out while they were thinking of a way to get out of the maze. Thomas ran towards his hammock he got stares from half the boys on that side as he finally cut open his hammock and grabbed a key that was inside of it. He let out a relieved laugh holding the key up in amazement. He stuffed the key at the very bottom of his pants pocket.

"Tom, why are you acting all weird?" Chuck walked up to Thomas one of his eyebrows raised.

"We're getting out of here Chuck, c'mon." Thomas grinned and started sprinting back to the homestead Chuck right behind him.

"Does that mean I can finally see my parents!?" Chuck shouted behind him excitedly. That gained the attention of a few other boys.

"Yes!" Thomas felt a bright smile spread across his face.

They rushed up the stairs and into the room where the other's talked amongst themselves. Thomas caught his breath quickly and Minho looked back at him with his eyebrows knitted together in confusion, Thomas dug around his pocket and pulled out the key showing it to the others.

"And what exactly are you gonna use that for?" Gally interjected unimpressed.

"I-I don't know but I think we need it to get out of here." Thomas sputtered looking down at the key.

"You think." Gally hissed,"Thomas, that is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard you say."

"Ease up." Minho glared sharply at Gally, " We might need it."

"Are you two even serious about leaving, wasting time grabbing a key!" Gally's face turned red.

"That's enough!" Alby shouted, "arguing will get a us no where."

The room became quiet and Teresa let out a huff braiding her hair and putting on her shoes, "Lets get the hell out of here."

"Gally gather up the rest of the boys, Chuck go to frypan and tell him to put canned food in back packs for us to carry out of here, and Derek go round up all the other medjacks and pack up first aid kits." The three nodded at Alby and left the room.

"What do you want us to do?" Minho's jaw was clenched.

"You and Thomas go get the other runners so that we can start mapping out a way to get to the clearing." Alby spoke with authority that Thomas couldn't help but respect.

Minho and Thomas walked out of the room and out of the homestead. The other runners were back from their daily maze run and Minho rushed towards them Thomas on his tail. They all walked into the maze mapping shed and Minho quickly described the situation to the boys who started to map out a way to get out as he talked. Thomas watched from behind on of their shoulders watching as they mapped out their escape route.

"If we run here we'll get there." One of the boys spoke confidently.

"But if we run here and take a left we'll be there shorter." Another countered.

Minho watched seeing what they came up with. Thomas could practically see the gears turning in Minho's brain, Minho grinned and started talking about an alternative route.

"If you see this route right here there's a dead end just before the clearing so both of you are wrong but I see what you were going for." Minho spoke thoughtfully, "but if we take half this route and then turn here we'll automatically get to the clearing."

"I see." A different boy mumbled.

"Okay I'm gonna go report to Newt with Thomas if you guys have any other suggestions come up to me before the sun sets cause that's when we're leaving." Minho walked out along with Thomas.

"Do you think this will work?" Thomas bit his lip.

"I sure hope so."

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