Chapter One

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This is my first thominho fanfic so please enjoy.


Thomas watched as the runners rushed into the glade, sweat coated their bodies and they gulped in large amounts of air. A couple of random runners made their way towards the shack, Thomas knew that's where they put maze pieces together like a giant map. Finally the leader of the runners came into the glade never missing a beat as he made his way towards the shack.

Thomas watched fascinated by the boys movement, how his chest puffed with every stride, and how his legs moved swiftly like he wasn't even trying. Thomas licked his lips trying hard not to stare but he couldn't, it was like he was in a trance and he didn't want to get out of it.

Newt started walking towards Thomas blocking his view and gaining his attention quickly. He felt his face flush but stood quiet while Newt took his seat besides him. Thomas felt as if he had known the runner before but he couldn't put his finger on it, it was as if his brain was trying to show him a memory but it wouldn't form.

"What do you think about the maze so far, greenie?"Newt grinned at the nickname but Thomas barely heard what he said.

"It''s defiantly something."He mumbled still distracted.

"Hey you alright Tommy?"Newt snapped his fingers in front of Thomas' face.

Thomas averted his gaze from the shack and to his new found friend, "yeah just tired."

Thomas had lied but Newt hadn't noticed, they both stood quiet for a while just watching others around the maze. He knew that dinner would be ready soon and that frypan was probably slaving over the stove. He watched as the sun started to set slowly, the sky turned a deep maroon color with a light orange pinch to it.

Thomas noticed movement coming from the shack and brought his attention back to it. The flimsy door opened to reveal the leader looking back at someone laughing his pearly white teeth contrasted from his dirty sweaty skin. Thomas felt his heart rate spike but he didn't know why.

"What's his name."He pointed towards the now laughing boy.

Newt raised an eyebrow but answered, "that's Minho he's the leader of the runners."

"I want to be a runner."Thomas suddenly blurted out.

"What?"Newt glared at him confused.

Thomas didn't know why he said that or why he so strongly needed to be a runner he just knew that he seriously needed to be one. He looked Newt dead in the eye his jaw set.

"I need to be a runner."Thomas grunted and Newt breathed out surprised.

"You can't just be a runner, you're a greenie."Newt started to get up and Thomas did the same.

"Newt, you gotta help me."Thomas could hear how desperate his voice sounded but he needed to be near Minho, to talk to him."please."

"Why are you so set on this."They started to walk towards the rest of the gladers.

"I don't know but I just have this gut feeling."It was true Thomas could feel his stomach turning with knots.

"Alright, alright I'll see what I can do."Newt caved in and Thomas grinned ear to ear."but no promises."

"Of course."Thomas nodded furiously.

They both met with the others and got in line for their dinner. He saw a few familiar faces in front of him. Gally was chatting with one of his friends, Chuck was waiting patiently, and Alby was talking to a group of people all the way in the front of the line. Thomas's eyes roamed the line and his eyes landed on Minho once again.

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