Chapter Ten

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Unrealistic goal: I want to finish this story before scorch trials comes out in theaters.

Thomas shot up from his bed and rushed to the main center, he could hear the new kid blubbering about going into the maze he had forgotten the boys name but he knew it started with a 'C'. He felt bad for the kid so before he was shipped off he wanted to give him some comforting words. But as he walked into the screen room that came just before the main center he saw Minho laughing with one of their closest friend in the maze.

Thomas felt his heart ache and he wanted to look away he really did but he couldn't. He saw how Minho's eyes crinkled at the edges like they always do when he smiles, and how he threw his head back as if he had just heard the funniest joke in the world. Thomas felt his eyes sting and he blinked hard daring the tears to spill, they never did. Thomas let out a shaky breath before rolling his neck to the right and walking into the main center.

The crying kid looked up at him he couldn't have been a day over twelve. Tear stains covered his chubby rose cheeks and he hiccuped a little. Thomas knelt to his level and gave him a reassuring smile that he knew Teresa could never pull off in a million years. She just wasn't as sympathetic as he was.

"It's going to be okay." Thomas gripped his shoulder,"The boys there are the same boys you talked to months ago. Nothing has changed."

"They won't remember me." The kid's voice was hoarse and Thomas bit his lip feeling bad for the youngster.

"They won't you're right. you'll just have to rebuild those friendships which shouldn't be to hard." He stood up once he seen two scientist walk in, "you'll be fine, I promise."

The kid nodded as they escorted him out,"Thank you."

~Dream End~

Thomas's eyes fluttered open the sun entering from the window. For the first time he had slept well and his dream wasn't too heart breaking. The room was empty not counting an unconscious Teresa in a different bed, he slowly climbed out of his own feeling his body ache from his fall. He let out a soft grunt his head pounding with pain.

He suddenly felt as if the sun was too bright and his body too weak. Thomas looked over at Teresa and for a second he wished he was her, he wished he could sleep for two days straight with no interruptions. Thomas hesitantly made his way towards her his quiet steps made it easier for him to get by her without waking her.

She didn't even as so much twitch in her sleep it freaked Thomas out. The only thing that moved on her was her stomach rising and falling from her even breathing. He bit his lips trying his best to remember her from before the glad but he just couldn't his mind wouldn't let him. It was as if some invisible wall was put up in his mind stopping him from remembering anything.

Thomas brushed stray strains of her hair away from her pale face. He noticed how sick she really looked. Her lips were the same color of her skin, her hair looked oily and stringy from the lack of care, and her clothes had somehow become worse looking then Thomas's. He caressed her face with concerned eyes, it was the feeling he got when he worried about Chuck or Newt when he thought too hard. He was concerned for his friend even if he couldn't quite remember her.

"I'll take care of you I promise." Thomas whispered before stepping away from her bed and out of the room.

He could hear the boys from around the glade talking and Thomas didn't know if he wanted to go outside or stay. Thomas cracked his neck and walked out the sun glaring down at him he squinted a little and blocked it's rays with his hand. He smirked some Minho was pacing right outside of the homestead biting his nails.

"Tommy,baby you're okay!" Minho rushed to him and hugged him.

Thomas hugged back and breathed in Minho's scent. Minho let out a sigh of relief against Thomas's chest his fingers running through Thomas's hair. Thomas could feel people staring at them but he could care less he was glad Minho cared so much about him.

"They wouldn't let me inside the homestead, they said I was too reckless." Minho smiled at Thomas who chuckled at his statement.

"Understandable." Thomas joked pecking Minho on the lips.

"Shuck face." Minho muttered.

Thomas grabbed Minho's hand and they started walking to the woods. Minho squeezed his hand some and Thomas had steered him away from the woods and to his hammock because the med-jacks had left them there for him. Minho sat on Thomas's hammock while he put on his boots, Thomas hummed while he did so.

They walked into the woods and found themselves as the very rock they almost got caught at. It was around the area where they read the note and actually did get caught by their friends. Minho sighed and took his seat purple bags under his eyes.

"I know a way we can help Newt." Thomas gave Minho a look.

"Is that so?" Minho grinned grabbing Thomas's hand and kissing it.

"He used to date Derek the med-jack and they still like each other. The only reason they stopped dating was because of Gally and his goons." Thomas passed on the new information he had learned.

"I didn't know he dated Derek." Minho mumbled, "And I'm his best friend."

"Maybe he wanted to keep it a secret like you and I did." Thomas smiled sympathetically at Minho.

"Yeah I guess." Minho grunted obviously annoyed.

"So I was thinking we help the other med-jacks get them together." Thomas announced.

"But what about Teresa and WICKED?" Minho spoke the stress in his eyes evident.

"We have nothing so far and the other runner all probably got blades already, it'll be nice to take a break." Thomas smiled, "you especially need one, I think I see I white hair."

"What? no way!?" Minho glared at him.

"Yup right there." Thomas joked poking at a strand of black hair,"I'm kidding but you seriously need a break."

"Fine,okay,okay let's help Newt get laid." Minho sighed.

"That's the spirit!" Thomas kissed his cheek with a wide grin.

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