Chapter Thirteen (End)

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So I decided to join student council...wish me luck!

The sun crept down leaving one or two rays to light the glade. Thomas felt butterflies erupt in his stomach it was almost time. Minho tossed him one of the many book bags full of food, clothing, water, and medicine. They had no idea what to expect outside of the maze so it was better to be prepared.

Derek was talking to Newt in a hushed whisper, Newt's cheeks a bright red. Thomas wondered what the medjack was telling him but it was best that it was just between those two. Thomas looked away from them feeling as if he wasn't suppose to be looking at them in the first place. Ever since they planned to leave Minho has been acting strange.

Thomas put the back pack on and walked over to Minho who seemed a bit spaced out. Thomas had to admit he was probably acting strange because he was nervous and Minho has never been nervous since he's gotten into the maze. Thomas knew him as the fearless leader of the runners, but now Minho was actually making him worry.

"Minho, are you okay?" Thomas grabbed his hand gently yet he still startled the boy.

"Huh? I mean yeah I'm fine." Minho lied.

"You don't have to lie to me." Thomas kissed his hand and Minho sighed.

"I-I'm scared, Thomas." Minho's mood shifted completely.

"So am I." Thomas admitted giving Minho a weak smile, "but you know the maze better then anyone.. We'll make it."

"Thanks." Minho smiled.

"Alright everyone! It's time." Alby announced.

There was a large group of boys who had decided to stay. They felt that leaving just want an option and it would be idiotic for them to go. But the boys that did go knew better it was either you go and die trying or you stay and die starving.

Thomas felt his heart drop his grip on Minho's hand grow tighter. It was now or never and Thomas felt as if he was going to vomit. Minho nodded and guided Thomas to the front of the group they would be leading the way for everyone. Thomas looked behind him to see Derek offer his hand to Newt and Newt comply.

"You ready, babe?" Minho breathed unevenly.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Thomas looked forward.

Minho turned back to the gladers his stare hard, "everyone stay close do not drift and do not wander you only follow me! And if you don't you are more likely to get lost and killed. Great let's go."

Minho counted to three and he and Thomas started sprinting hand in hand, they could hear everyone behind them following. They made it out of the glade and into the dark maze, Thomas was glad Minho hadn't let go of his hand cause he was starting to freak out a little. Minho turned right as did everyone behind him nobody wanted to be left behind, killed, or lost.

By now the greivers would start coming out and Thomas had to admit he was terrified of what they could do. Teresa was just behind them her breathing even and determination on her face. Newt was lagging but with Derek's help he stayed close enough to the group. Alby was by Chuck almost in a protective sort of way.

The soft click of a greiver could be heard in the distance making almost everyone speed up especially the runners. Minho mad a sharp left clutching Thomas's hand hard as he did so, seeing how last time he did that Thomas ended up getting a concussion. The clicks were getting louder and Thomas could feel his heart pounding wildly.

Thomas spotted the first greiver just to the right of them but Minho didn't freeze he pushed on turning back to everyone with his a finger to his lips telling them to be quiet. Minho knew they were close but he spotted another greiver and then another. He felt trapped and he hated it.

One greiver just one noticed them and charged towards them everyone started freaking out screaming and running for their lives. The greiver picked off a few gladers and Thomas wanted to help them but it was already too late.

Alby shouted something Thomas couldn't make out, but by then a greiver stabbed him through his chest lifting him away from the group. Frypan let out a scream absolutely terrified, their leader was killed. The hole came into view and Thomas didn't know if he would be relieved or pissed Alby could've made it, he should've made it.

Minho stopped in front of the hole, his breathing uneven greiver crowding them from behind, "Everybody jump!"

Minho jumped down letting go of Thomas's hand unintentionally, Thomas went next trusting Minho. Everything was black and Thomas felt himself almost regretting the decision that is until he saw light. Minho slammed against a concrete floor groaning as it knocked the wind out of him, Thomas ended up landing right on top of him making his pain worse.

"Oh my god, Minho are you okay?" Thomas gaped down at the breathless boy.

"Just peachy." Minho grunted.

They moved away from the entrance and Thomas helped Minho up. Next down was Teresa and Chuck, then Newt and Derek, frypan, Gally, and the rest of the gladers came soon after. A couple of boys were missing and Thomas could only assume they were dead.

"Let's go." Minho clutched his side still in pain from the fall.

There was a door with a neon exit sign above it and Thomas scoffed. They opened it to only walk into a command center that Thomas remembered from his dream. It was empty but the screen was still showing parts of the maze. Thomas watched his the boys who stayed behind started planning the rest of their lives. Minho clutched Thomas's shoulder gently and they walked on.

Derek gave Newt a look that Thomas didn't quite understand. Newt only squeezed Derek's hand and they kept walking. Thomas stepped into the largest room there and felt a nostalgic feeling. They were gonna keep going forward when Gally stopped them short.

"This is your fault!" Gally shouted and everyone stopped and looked at him.

"Who's?" Newt spoke hesitantly.

"You Greenie, everything was okay until you came around." Gally's eyes filled with tears.

"Gally I didn't want any of this to happen." Thomas spoke softly but Gally wasn't listening.

"You have to go." Gally scratched at his arm.

"Go where?" Thomas stepped away from Minho and towards Gally.

Gally brought out a gun that was covered in blood. Thomas felt fear spike through him and he regretted stepping forward but it was too late.

"Gally calm down."

"You killed Alby, you did this!" Gally shot.

Thomas shut his eyes hearing screams erupt around him but the only voice he could hear was Minho's and his cry for Thomas. Thomas felt nothing he opened his eyes and saw Chuck on the ground by his feet, shock washed over him. He kneeled by his best friend tears slipping out of eyes. Chuck smiled up at Thomas.

"Why would you do that?" Thomas cried clutching Chuck's hand.

"Because you're my only friend, because-i care about-y-you." Chuck's breathing was labored.

"Chuck." Thomas sniffed.

"You're the only one that can fix this." Chuck was tired.

"No! Chuck! Keep your eyes open we'll get you help." Thomas felt more tears rush out of his eyes.

"It's okay." Chuck sighed one last time his eyes shutting and his breathing stopped.

Thomas let out a sob a loud heart broken sob. Minho had gotten Gally under control knocking him unconscious. He looked up to see Thomas sobbing on his best friend's chest. Everyone looked away Newt had tears rolling off his cheeks.

"Baby." Minho whispered but Thomas didn't respond.

A loud noise startled everyone but Thomas, he kept crying. He was miserable. A group of people dressed in black came in and started grabbing everyone shouting commands at them. They grabbed Minho who fought to get back to Thomas but they pulled him out the room. They then grabbed Thomas much to his dismay. He kicked and cried trying to get back to Chuck.

They put him in a helicopter besides Minho who instantly pulled him into his chest to let him cry. But Thomas didn't feel like crying, he wanted revenge. And that's exactly what he was going to get even if it killed him.

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