Chapter Seven

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So I'm reading the book 'Fangirl' and it's sad because of how much I can relate to it lol

Thomas woke to complete chaos, boys all around him shouted something incoherent. He rubbed at his eyes, today was the day the maze stayed closed so the runners couldn't do their jobs. He slowly rose from his hammock, and slipped on his boots.

"Tommy, get over here!" He could hear Minho's panicked voice.

Thomas turned to see Minho rushing towards the box that Thomas had come up from not too long ago. Everyone seemed to be running over there so Thomas jogged so that he could meet up with Minho. He saw him,Newt, Alby, and Gally looking down at the dark steel box.

Panicked whispers erupted throughout the entire group of boys. He could see Chuck staring wide eyes with his jaw dropped. He shoved through the crowd and stood by Minho, finally he looked down into the box.

There rested a girl with black hair and pale skin. She took a gulp of air before opening her crystal blue eyes she looked startled.

"Thomas." She wheezed before her eyes rolled back and fainted.

All the boys turned to look at a shocked Thomas. He looked at the limped girl, she was still breathing yet no one made a move to help her up and check her head. Thomas looked up to see everybody staring at him, Gally was the only one that looked truely suspicious towards Thomas, Minho looked concerned for him.

"I-" Thomas stuttered and then looked back down at her, "I don't remember her."
Minho sat in front of a fidgety Thomas, after everyone had left the box because Newt helped the girl inside they had found a note in the box. Now they sat in the woods alone with the closed note in Thomas's hands.

"Will you just open it?" Minho spoke harshly.

"I shucking can't, you do it!" He shoved the note towards Minho who sighed but took it.

"Fine." Minho sighed and looked hesitant to open it.

"Well, go on." Thomas pestered him and Minho glared at his boyfriend before slowly opening the note with W.I.C.K.E.D written on the front.

"It's addressed to us." Minho muttered.

"Read it out loud."

"Thomas and Minho you may or may not know this but your relationship is not so new. You two have been dating since Tommy was fourteen. They and by they I mean w.i.c.k.e.d don't know I'm writing this. Hey it's me Teresa! That random girl that just came up the box yup that's me. I won't remember you guys, so sorry about that,

But I'm glad you guys found each other again really I am but W.I.C.K.E.D not so much. They plan on breaking you guys up they say its not part of their variables or whatever. But I say fuck that,Okay? So if you guys feel like something is pulling you two apart it's them, don't let them win!

Wicked isn't always good." Minho finished reading and they both had raised eyebrows.

"Wicked isn't always good?" Thomas mused, "Why does that sound so familiar?"

"Because you just heard it, klunk head." Minho rolled his eyes.

"No, you shuck face I mean I've heard it way before this letter I just don't know from where." Thomas frowned trying his hardest to remember.

"Well I don't know." Minho fidgeted in his seat.

"What's wrong?" Thomas stopped trying to figure out the quote.

"It's just 'they' are after's just discomforting." Minho sighed.

Thomas automatically moved to his side and clutched Minho's sweaty hands not caring that they we're moist. Minho looked up at Thomas his dark eyes filled with concern, Thomas had never seen him so worried.

"Minho, they can't hurt us, not as much as they already have." Thomas rubbed his thumb in circles on the back of Minho's hand," and you read that letter we dated back when we weren't even in here and survived."

Minho cracked a smile Thomas knew he had said the right thing. But he couldn't bring himself to tell Minho that he was absolutely terrified to what could happen to them if they kept dating. But he wasn't going to give away his happiness because these people he doesn't even know don't agree with him.

"Thank you." Minho smiled gratefully at Thomas before kissing him softly on his lips.

"No, thank you." Thomas joked causing Minho to laugh quietly.

"Shuck face, you know I think I'm going to start reserving my kissing for a special occasion." Minho teased.

"You do that and I'll find you and attack you with my own kisses," Thomas winked."in very discrete places too."

"Now I really have to reserve them." Minho laughed.

Thomas laughed with him, before going in for another kiss. Minho wrapped his arms around Thomas's waist and brought him on top of his lap. Thomas let out a small squeak before kissing Minho again.

"I love you." Thomas breathed making Minho freeze mid-kiss.

"I-i'm sorry." Thomas stuttered his cheeks red, Minho stared at him dumbfounded.

He snapped out of his daze cheeks pink," no,no,no I'm sorry I didn't say it right away! Because Tommy I love you."

Thomas felt a smile break out into his face, he kissed Minho roughly causing Minho to fall back onto the ground. Minho's hands went up Thomas' shirt tugging it off Thomas helped him take it off. Minho ran his hands up and down Thomas's chest enjoying every second of it.

Thomas moved so that he could take off Minho's shirt, but Minho was ahead of him and practically tore off his shirt. Minho fiddled with Thomas's belt, Thomas rocked his hips causing Minho moan softly. He unbuckled Thomas pants.

"What the Shuck!"They heard a screech.

They pulled apart Thomas rolling off of Minho and grabbing his shirt from the ground. They looked up to see Newt, Chuck, Alby, and Gally gaping at them from where they stood. Minho's cheeks were rosey red and Thomas only had a soft tint of color on his cheeks.

"We can explain." Thomas slipped on his shirt and buttoned his pants.

"You have three seconds." Newt crossed his arms over his chest, "or everyone in the glade will know about you two not taking our lives seriously."

"Okay, well it started before the glade."

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