next stop, southside.

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Ian turns over to face his husband, placing one of his hands onto mickeys face. "hmm..what the fuck.." mickey grunts as he slowly opens his eyes, " hey mick, I was planning on heading down to see lip, later on, check up on Fred and Tami." the young redhead smiles while rubbing his thumb on the older man's cheek, "alright, and what does that have to do with me?" Mickey rolls over to face the wall, trying to break contact with Ian and hopefully expecting to get some more minutes of sleep. "you fucking kidding me mick? you're coming with me." Ian says in annoyance, Mickey barely turns over as if he didn't hear Ian speak, Ian pulls Mickey's shoulder as he forces Mickey to turn to look at him. "the fuck man. I just want some sleep." Mickey groans, "you'll get plenty of sleep later," Ian states, as he turns moving his head over to Mickey's ear and whispers in his ear "unless you wanna do other things" Ian smirks as he pulls his face away from Mickey all flustered "alright you got me up Gallagher, " Mickey smirks, as Ian moves his hands under the covers as he palms his hand onto Mickeys crotch area, " Mmm..mhmm.. I like the feeling of that Gallagher. " mickey lays back to enjoy the moment. "good because you won't be feeling that feeling till tonight." Ian chuckles, "fucking tease" Mickey mumbles.


Ian has one hand on his phone, another holding Mickey's hand, "what are looking at? you seem a little too into your phone." Mickey glares at Ian, " it's just Lip, he's over at Debbie's" Ian says as he has his eyes glued to the phone. Mickey looks around the train seeing everyone either with family, friends, or just themselves, "Mick? you alright? you've barely said much." Ian looks over at his husband, "I don't know man.. it just, this place, I don't know if I can ever get used to this, like for fuck sake, we have to take a train just to get to the Gallaghers, back then all we had to do was walk downstairs. " Mickey says in a gloomy voice, Ian letting go of Mickey's hand and putting it around Mickey, kissing his cheek, "I get what you mean, but we are older now, Debbie needs space for Franny and Liam after all." Mickey smiles as he looks up at Ian, Mickey leaning his head onto Ian's shoulder.

An older man, around his 50s, looked up and glared at the same-sex couple, "oi, fags, keep your hands to yourself!" the old fart grumbles towards them. Ian mumbles under his breath "oh god.." knowing what's going to happen next, Mickey gets up from his chair, as Ian's knuckle scratches his eyebrow, " why don't you shut the fuck up, before your death date becomes today, making me shove my fist down your fucking throat and making it come out the other end, so please, might as well stop off here before I make that dream of mine come true." Mickey sits back down giving Ian a big kiss making the old guy move himself to the next section of the train. Mickey pulls away from Ian as a small smirk overcomes his face " now how was that for a kiss Mr. Milkovich? " Mickey smirks leaning in for another, " Mickey, you can't just get into fights with random people on the El. " Ian sighs, " the fuck I can. " Mickey frowns, "Hey, let's continue this later alright? just so we are somewhere more private, " as Ian's muscular hands run down Mickey's thigh, Ian's hot breath brushes against mickeys neck, "Is that clear Mr. Gallagher?" Ian smirks as his finger lays under Mickeys chin, making Mickey look up.

" next stop, southside! " 

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