did you get his name?

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Trevor is gonna be in this chapter for a quick sec, but he will be mentioned in another chapter when he's actually seeing ian again.


ian lied in bed, sick and out of the will to even get up on his 2 feet without stumbling or making a scene, he had the harsh flu... tissues were scattered on their bedroom floor, head all heated, body frying but the minute. 

mickey woke up next to him, he patted ian on the back "still sick, huh?" he questions, no answer, mickey rolls his eyes as he gets up from his position and puts on a silk dressing gown "you do know its amelias last day here, right? she will get pissy if we don't go out altogether" mickey frowns, "I can't" a small murmur comes from out the sheets. 

"what?" mickey turns behind to look over at ian, still hidden in the sheets of course "do it without me" ian sulks, he was miserable at this point and just needed a day off to get a bit better.. or at least better to give amelia a proper goodbye. "well she wants us to go out, im not getting stuck with a whiny kid all day" mickey glares.

"that's another step which comes with being a pa.." ian sneezes "arent.. you have to learn how to behave them and spend time with them, have dad and daughter time, minus one dad." he chuckles slightly, "ill try.. but you owe me." mickey pouts.

"promise" ian coughs up a bit, "alright.." mickey walks up close to ian "get better soon" mickey caresses the back of ians head as he leans down to place a peck on ians forehead "ill try" ian smirks, sliding back into the sheets.


"what do you mean no ian?" amelia sulks, amelia was supposed to head back to the foster home soon... until the two men get more inspections and paperwork signed to make amelia their foster kid for a while, hoping it would turn into a full-on adoption. amelia hoped to spend the whole day with both men at the park, shops and just watching movies and telling funny stories, maybe even cooking... but due to ian being too sick, that couldn't happen.

"don't worry, before we go out, do you wanna talk to ian?" mickey raises her chin "ok.." she mutters in a low gloomy voice, mickey picked her up and held her over his shoulder, she let out a small giggle.

amelia runs up to ian and pats him, eyes turning a light shade of red as tears began to form "are you dying?" amelia whimpered "hm.. I've got a cold amelia, im pretty sure I won't die" ian rolled over to hold hands with amelia from under the sheets "I don't wanna see you die" she starts to bawl her eyes out "he's not dying, he will be better the next time you come over!" mickey tried to change her mindset.

"so your not dying?" she wiped her tears with the sleeves of her sweater "no silly, ill be here" ian smirks, "now go spend some time with mickey, he needs a day away from me for once" ian jokes around, mickey crosses his arms as he glared at ian "tsk, right" mickey spat.

ian pulled her in by the sleeve and whispered in her ear.

"spend all mickeys money" ian giggles under his breath, amelia steps behind and giggles quietly, "what was that? hiding secrets now?" mickey frowns, "nothing!" she yelps "whatever, go get ready, ok? ill get ready now" mickey pats her back as she runs to her room. "she's a good kid" ian sits the back of his head on his pillow "yeah... wanna keep her?" mickey bites his bottom lip, "of course, she's too much like you... like a mini mickey" ian quirks a smile.

mickey becomes all flustered, legs becoming jelly, all though both men had spent most of their life together, both still got butterflies when one or the other entered the room, it was like teenage years all over again, just without the amount of homophobe that was in the air back then... or discrimination that was here and there.

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