Ian? is that you? (PT2)

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it was just around 7:00 pm, where mickey and ian were in their room.. doing.. well, you know what.

Ians grasps for air, laying back down onto the bed, all sweaty, wet, and out of breath, "ho..holy shit.." Ian chuckles, still trying to catch his own breath first, as he turns over to face his husband, with a smirk across his face. "ready for round three?" mickey looks directly at ian, into his deep green eyes, "no can do, remember? I booked us in for eight-thirty, it's right now j..ustt...." ian looks over to the blocky alarm clock, "seven thir.." ian gets cut off by mickey sinking back under the sheets, as he peeps out from above ian "ill make it quick" mickey chuckles looking down at the fire head, "get back down there" ian demands.


7:58 pm / west side

Both men in well-fitted suits, ian, in a tight-fitted, raven black tux, with his white buttoned-up shirt tucked into the leather belt, with his tux just letting loose, not buttoned up or anything, while on the other hand, there was mickey, his husband of almost 2 years, wearing a classy navy blue tux, matching with a long tie, making him seem "professional" as the inside of this fancy suit, was a silky blue material, just like the material they used for his wedding. ians looking straight at the hung-up mirror just above their dresser, fixing up his tie, "looking sharp, Mr. Gallagher." mickey smirks as he wraps his hands around ians waist, "I could say the same for you, Mr. Milkovich" ian chuckles as he turns around to caress mickeys face, looking deep into his blue eyes, "God... I'm glad I have you" mickey smiles as if he was so flustered by ians actions. "c'mere.." ian grins, kissing him before leaving there apartment.


8:45 pm / west side

"This place is amazing" mickey grins, as he reaches out for ians hand, locking their fingers together, as if they were too sacred to let go, "I knew you would," ian chuckles, bringing his other hand on top of the inlocked fingers, they had already ordered a while ago, not too much, but no to little so they didn't starve, mickey and ian were talking about the future, and how the place, again, is just so amazing and incredible. after a few minutes of talking, the food had already arrived, all in fancy clean dishes, the smell was steaming with delight, as if the two men couldn't hold themselves together, they dig into their food, 2 glasses of wine set on the table, as they continued talking and talking, "honestly, I might try a different job, that job is honestly making me wanna just kill myself, over and over, sick and tired of it." mickey rolls his eyes, digging his fork into his dish, "good idea, but shouldn't you have a back up job? like if you're going to end up quitting?" ian says, seeking an answer. "yeah, ill figure it out, maybe ill open up my own bar? or maybe you can find a job, like that EMT shit." mickey chuckles, obviously opening up and suggesting ian should get out of the house more, "you wish, that place was an absolute shit hole, as much as I loved it, god, but the guilt I would get when something went wrong was making worn out." ian looks down at his dish, playing with the food, as his fork just misplaced the whole meal.

"yeah yeah.. anyways" mickey continues going on about also maybe having Franny and Liam over for the weekend since they haven't seen the place in a while, ian zoned out, maybe it was the whole mention of his job, as he looks up to face mickey, a man walks in, tan, barely any hair, tough jawline, tux on, and another man wrapped around his arm, but it was all blurry to him, as soon as he starts to focus more, "shit!" ian freaks out, letting out a yelp, which was very close to a whisper, mickey stares at him confused. "ian? you alright?" mickey starts to look worried, "shit... you know that guy I once told you about? the gay one who fucks girls? well he's here, we need to get out of here!" ian whispers as he leans his face into mickey, practically begging to leave. "ian, are you really gonna let some cheating asshole ruin our date? fuck him, ill make sure to carve my initials into his gums if he talks shit to you." mickey says, in a threatening tone, smirking, as he reassures ian that nothing will happen until a set of eyes appear from behind mickey.

"Ian? is that you?" the man appears, clear, and real, "Caleb?" Ian looks up is distraught, as his palms start to sweat, as Mickey turns to face the man, "shit.. so this is Caleb" mickey smirks, definitely knowing he will fuck this guy up in a second, Caleb glares as he looks over to face the man, with jet black hair, as he rolls his eyes back, "now whos this?" caleb sneers.


sorry for the short chapter! pt3 will be worked on after this and published tomorrow!!

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