don't be jealous

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mickey and ian had gone shopping around their local shopping centre, ian has been losing shirts... wonder who took them, huh? so he goes to the mall with mickey on his side to buy a few shirts and get some lunch, but mickey has a feeling coming out of him, jealousy, but he just doesn't realise it.


"mick, if you didn't always take my fucking shirts we wouldn't have this problem!" ian growls while his hand is locked in with mickeys "im telling you, it's not me man" mickey rolls his eyes back, "whatever.. holy shit, this place looks kinda cool.." ian points over to the store just in front of the two men "looks gay as fuck man" mickey bites his bottom. Ian ignores Mickeys little comment as he drags mickey into the store, he looks around the area scanning the clothes on the racks and hanging from the walls "gotta be pricey" mickey touches the t-shirts hanging from the racks. ian pulls out a shirt from the rack and places it over his chest "huh... huhhh?" ian smirks "alright it looks good.." mickey rolls his eyes.

mickey continues looking through the store trying to find clothes for his husband, as his husband is still standing at the rolling racks and flicking through the shirts attached to the hangers, as mickey walks around something catches his eyes, his eyes narrow towards a man who worked at the area, he was hanging up some new shirts and jeans to put on display on the walls as he stood on a tiny red ladder which looked like it was already struggling to carry the man's weight, mickey was frustrated, he knew the kid was checking out his husband, he tightens fist and has a frown on his face as he walks over to ian in a fast pace "ian you ready to buy this shit?" mickey growls as he pulls on ians sleeve.

"no? we just git here mick, what's your problem?" ian gives him a death stare but just before mickey could let out another word the man who was eye "fucking" ian had walked over "great..." mickey says under his breath as he tried convincing himself that maybe the man didn't have a small crush on his husband, but there were no signs that proved other wise. "hello, do you need any help?" the man quirked a smile, he looked at ian up and down as he scanned his full body image, as if he could see everything under all the layers of clothes, the employee bites his lip in pleasure "no-" mickey growls, he was mad, he just didn't want to show it because he knew ian would get petty.

"I was just hoping if you had these two shirts in different colours other than black?" ian smiles as he sends the boy a friendly gesture, "oh yeah we do! we have it in either white or beige" the boy smiles back, showing a bit of tooth, "I think white would look sexy on you" mickey smirks, complimenting his husband aswell as trying to hint the little twink that the big hunky ginger he was drooling over was already taken.

the boy stood there awkwardly "cant wait till it's being tossed on our bedroom floor" mickey winks as he gives ian a little nudge "mick- ugh.. ill get 3 white ones..." ian sighs, mickey accomplished his message, the boy was too afraid to speak, he was stumbling from his own feet as his voice became quiet "alright, ill head to the back" as the boy said, trying to find his way out of this situation "ill bring them to the counter..." the boy sighs, mickey chuckles in enjoyment, he loved seeing other boys or anyone at least feeling sad, feeling afraid just because mickey fucking Milkovich laid eyes on them.

"Alright, just the two?" the boy says, mickey could read the man's name tag, it read the name "Thomas" mickey tried holding his laughter in, Thomas? how gay was that name? mickey thought it was hilarious, "yeah.. yeah it is, Thomas" mickey smirks. "alright... credit card or?" "yeah- cre-" ian felt mickey reach into his back pocket to grab his wallet, mickey opens up the wallet and pulls out a credit card. the man lets out a sigh "61.99" as he turns the credit card scanner mickeys way, mickey taps the card on the top as the ian takes the wallet out of his hands and places it back in his back pocket, Thomas places the 3 shirts into a plastic bag "here, have a great day" the boy gives ian a fading smile, as ian reaches for the bag his fingers brush over Thomas's hand it made mickey sick, his teeth were clenched and all he wanted to do was beat the twink up, pound his fist into his skull.

both men were halfway to the bus stop as ian breaks the awkward silence with a  question... "what was that?" ian asks, "what was what?" mickey grins as he raised an eyebrow "mick im not fucking dumb, i know you saw that guy eyeing me" ian growls "i don't know what your talking about man, i mean if that's what you wanna think" mickey smirks as the two men walk out the door of the mall, walking down the road taking out a smoke "mick, i don't know why you were so jealous, im married to you-" ian gets cut off by mickey.

"jealous? why would i be mad at some staring at your ass?" mickey rolls his eyes as he pulls the ciggie away from his lips, "just admit it mick" ian sighs "alrighttt, stop bitching alright? i did try being harsh on the guy" ian smiles "awe, protective much?" ian chuckles "fuck off" he nudges Ians shoulder as ian stumbles backwards, he lets out a laugh, "don't be" ian runs up to mickey, who had already reached the bus stop as ian was a few steps behind him.

"don't be what?" mickey grins.

"don't be jealous"

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