baby talk

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ian invited lip over to the westside to settle over some lunch at a local cafe nearby, lip agreed and made his way over by taking the el, ian needed some brotherly advice aswell as some brother talk. ian had no other friends than lip, and even if he did, no one could relate or support him as much as lip. blood is blood.

ian made his way early to the cafe, ordered him a nice warm coffee to start the day, his hands felt like melting when they were cupping the cup of coffee in his hands, he didn't know if it was the boiling coffee that was captured in his hands or it was his nervous system striking, his hands were quite shaky and he definitely didn't know how to start this talk.

once the coffee cooled down, ian took a swift sip of his coffee "fuck!" he whispers, he places it back down and tries to cool his tongue, guess it still needed to sit out for a while. he hears the doors open as a chime fills his ears, he looks up to notice a certain tall, look-alike, bald man in front of him.

"never took you for coffee" lip smiles, his casual smirk spreads across his face, "westside is turning me into a different man," ian chuckles, he gets up from his seat and hugs his brother "what's up?" ian smiles, he pats the mans back. "better than usual, what about you? westside doesn't look that bad..." lip scratches his bottom lip "wheres mick?" lip asked, he sits down just after ian started to sit down.

"he slept in, lazy day for him... I mentioned to him last night that I would be out early seeing you" ian smiled as he took another large sip out of his coffee, "well how have you and mickey been doing? with all the kid stuff im guessing its overwhelming-" 

"I want a baby"

"what?" lip laughs "i.. i... I've been thinking," ian clears his throat, lip grabs ians coffee and slid it in front of him so it's in his view, he takes a sip before giving ian a signal to go on. 

"I think we are ready for two, I get that we have only had one kid so far- but I feel like a baby would be cool-" ian plays with his fingers "you want to get a baby... because it's cool?" lip frowns "let me finish- alright? you know that I have a soft spot for kids, or even babies- we were originally going to get a baby but getting a kid would be easier... but I want a kid to grow up with, y'know? maybe one that looks more like yev"

"mick know?" lip mumbles.

"no, I feel like he would hate the idea, but then I see him with Franny... she's technically a baby" "I don't think that's how it works ian.." lip chuckles "don't you think its a good idea? two kids instead of one? after all this is what I want" ian frowns.

"Is this what mickey wants?" lip glares "has he ever mentioned to you or hinted he wanted another one?" ian overthinks his decision, but he is sure he wants this, "why are you on mickeys side? you barely get along with the guy..." ian mutters. "this is baby talk ian, this is serious" lip shakes his head.

"I would never force the idea of a baby to mickey... but having another one around would be nice.. just that it won't be "ours" its-" 

"ian, don't ask me, ask mickey" 

"Right..." ian fiddles with his fingers, he bites his bottom lip "what do you think he would say?" ian looks directly at lip, eye-to-eye, "do you think he would agree-" 

"Want me to say the truth?" lip chuckles, giving ian his casual smirk.

ian takes a bit to speak, but once he comes up with his answer he feels direct, "yeah, I do" ian starts to tremble with his words, the truth could help him, but what if it's not what he wants to hear? "mickey, is well... mickey, I don't think he would like the idea" lip frowns, but then soon a frown forms onto ians face.

"But, in your case, I think he could change his answer, it's ian and mickey after all."

ian begins to smile, half-smile, "thanks, thanks for the baby talk" ian chuckles, cupping his coffee with his bare hands, both brothers continue their talk casually.


sorry for the late update lol!! started watching sex education, so been quite distracted... but that's ok! 

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