Evan Dolohov

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There was this boy, his name is Evan Dolohov. Everyone in Hogwarts knew about his uncle, Antonin Dolohov who served You Know Who during the dark days. Therefore, he didn't have any friends except a minor group in the Slytherin who thought that Evan was cool to have a Death Eater in his family.

As for me, I was friendly enough to friend with everyone in Hogwarts although I always stick with Reid Collins, Ken Ryan and Jack Levington. They were my best friends since my year in Hogwarts. They were also in the same house as me, Gryffindor.


I was in the middle of herbalogy class, we were learning about The Devil's Snare. Professor Longbottom showed us The Devil's Snare, it laid infront of us all, we, the students circled the Devil's Snare. They were tendrils and vines, long and thick tendrils and vines. Looked like evil roots, ready to strangle the people they could touch.

Professor Longbottom said, " Alright students. Please distant yourself from it, for it had the sense of touch...." Then I looked at Evan, he challenged the professor by kicking the Devil's Snare. It reacted towards him. The tendrils strangle around his ankle, before spreading to Evan's upper leg. Professor Longbottom was yelling at him," Stop stop, you're making it worst!"

But Dolohov won't listen, he was terrified, pull out his Yew Wand with speed, then aiming to the tendrils. He yelled,"Incendio!" The fire conjured to the tendrils, as the flame licked the Devil's Snare to ashes.

Evan Dolohov was gasping, everyone remained silent, even Prof. Longbottom. I looked at Dolohov, I knew his dirty trick. Prof. Longbottom dismissed the class afterward. Everyone left the greenhouse. Except me, Ken, Reid and Jack. I said, He did it on purpose! Poor Professor Longbottom, it must be difficult to get the Devil's Snare!"
Jack, the most brilliant boy in the team, replied,"Well, Remus, you know him.. Dolohov. He clearly must not be listening to Prof. Longbottom's class."
"He probably thinking about his Death Eater uncle." Ken joked. We chuckled at it. We always make fun of him anyway.

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