Into the woods.

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I disapparated with the wornout shoe, thanks to Dolohov for stealing my portkey. The scene changed, like everything around me shifted into something, like the place changing. But the truth was nothing changed, only me and the wornout shoe teleported. I was still not used of using a portkey. I was thrown on the ground upon my arrival. I felt dizzy at first, when I looked at my hand, I was gripping the wornout shoe. I threw the shoe away. "Eww!"

I then stood up, took a quick glance around. Tall trees and the big trunk. The woods looked as hard they could be. Silent. As if I was the only living creature in the Forbiddem Forest. I drew out my Dogwood wand.

I then spun around, not knowing which way do I go. I rested my wand on my palm. I said. "Point me." The wand then spun on my palm  before it stopped, pointed to North. I told myself to move North. I started my journey then, moving North.

The ground wasn't flat. And the roots of the big trees were everywhere. I kept on moving North.

I stopped when I heard noises. The noises were heard faintly. I took my chances. I approached the noise. I could feel the vibration on the ground, like giants stomped their feet on the ground, causing a small earthquake.

I hid behind a tree. Those were the giants. They walked around the golden diadem. At least, half a dozen were there. Seriously? I thought about how Am I supposed to touch the golden diadem. All I had to do was touch it. If I ran straight towards it. I would get plummeted to hell!

So yeah, I had a plan and I wished it work.

I then thought about my happiest memory then. I flicked my wand and... "Expecto Patronum"

My patronus came to live. A bright blue light shaped a wolf,(or dog) appeared. I sent the wolf to distract the giants. The giants halted and turned their attention my Patronus. Then, the giants continued their job, guarding the golden diadem. What the hell!? My patronus died instantly.

These giants were that clever? I sat down , my back leaning against the tree. I started to think about next plan.

I poked my head out to see the giants. They were still circling the golden diadem. I pointed my wand at my targeted giant. Sucker. "Confundo" Then, I would take an aim  to other area, the confunded giant was facing. Periculum.

Red light shot out of my wand, like a firework. The red light shot straight in front of the confunded giant. The giant looked at the red light and  shouted,"It's him!"

I confused, Its him? They were expecting James Ravenwood?

Nvm, they took the bite. The giants ran towards the light. I took the opportunity to run for it. I was in the field, which meant I dont have any trees to take cover. It was run or die. Or Run for your life ,idiot! I ran as fast as I can. I wasn't that far when the giants turned and faced me. I kept on running, and had time to curse. I then aimed my wand at the first giant infront of me.

"Expulso Maxima!" An explosion occurred infront of the poor giant. I kept on running. The giants were blocking my path to heaven, to the golden diadem. I looked at them. I was a few yards away before I faced the giants face to face.

I kept on sprinting. Fortunately, I had a good stamina. As I ran, the giants were right before me. The nearest giant which was exactly in front of me sent a kick towards me. I aimed my wand at the leg and shouted, "Arresto Momentum." His kick slow motioned by my spell. Muahahaha

I moved under the giant, between it's legs. Not longer than that, I faced another giant. It already swung it's arm to smack me. I barely dodged the attack, stumbled a few times. I could see the lost diadem. I then stopped, I looked around and giants circled me. Shit.
They already blocked my way to the golden diadem.

"Sooo...  Hi!" I talked to them. They were not that happy to see me.

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