The Champions.

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So Evan Dolohov threw his name as well into the Goblet of Fire.


We gathered at the Great Hall again that night. The Headmaster was going to announce the champions to compete in the Triwizard Tournament.

Ken asked,"You think you're gonba make it, Remus?"

I answered, my eyes still on the Headmaster."I don't know" Blue flames shot up from the Goblet of Fire, throwing a half burnt parchment. The headmaster caught it with  his right hand. He looked into the parchment. Who would know who's name was on the paper. We only know when he shouted out the name.

"James Regulus Remus Ravenwood!" he called my name. I was stunned for abit. Everyone cheered up for me. People around me congrated me. My friends were shouting of joy. They won't stop slapping my back.

"Go, Remus!" Jack called. I stood up, smiling brightly at everyone. I walked towards the Headmaster. He looked at me and said in a low voice, so only me could hear him.

"This is unexpected,Mr. Ravenwood. You kept suprising me." He blinked at me as I took the parchment from him. I walked towards the lining of Professors. They smiled to me. Professor McGonagall put her arm around me.
"Well done, Mr Ravenwood.You have made a suprise. You have honored Gryffindor."

"Thanks, Professor McGonagall." I respected her. She was one of the many brave Professor who defended the walls of Hogwarts.

Deep in my heart, I hope Peyton finally see me. As a champion, as a man who is worthy to have her. The blue flames disrupted again, vomiting another parchment into the world.

Our Headmaster read it out loud. "Evan Dolohov!" The durmstrang stomped their feet. Dolohov stood up from the Durmstrang group, then walked towards the Professor. The Slytherins were the only ones to cheer for Dolohov. He then stood beside me.

The Goblet of Fire shot out another parchment again. The Heamaster shouted out the name. "Feralline Fair!"
The girls of Beauxbatons cheered for themseleves. A girl with a blonde hair tied with a pony tail stood up. She was pretty. She looked like the Girly Girl Who Is In Charge Of A Sorority House.

She walked towarss the Headmaster gracefully, before standing next to me. I thought, Yeah, which girl wanted to stand next to you, Doloweev.

All eyes were on us. The headmaster announced, as he waved his hand at us. "These, are your champions."

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