First Task.

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"Are you ready for this, mate?" Asked Jack to me.

"Nope."I said. I was breathing heavily, nervous of the upcoming event.

"His alright."Ken slapped my back playfully. I wore Gryffindor's red and scarlett sweater. I then let out a sigh.

"Let's do this." We walked out from the Gryffindor Common Room. I had one hour before the first task. I had no idea of what I'm going to face. They told me that the first task was always the easiest task of the tree. Lets hope they were right.

Making our way to the courtyard, passing several students. They wished me luck as I passed. I just nodded my head to them. We headed to The Forbidden Forest.

Upon our arrival, I could see the place were crowded. One of the judge, Arthur Weasley, called out my name. "Come come, James Ravenwood."

I rushed towards him, leaving my friends behind. I followed him into the tent. The other Champions were already there. I joined the circle. The judges stood infront of us, yet still in the small circle we formed. Arthur Weasley spoke,"All righty champions, It's obvious that the task will take place in the Forbidden Forest. You will grab a portkey, which will lead you into the middle of the woods. From there, you will start your search of a golden diadem,which is also a portkey, taking you back here."

Feralline Fair asked,"That's it?"

"Oh, and one more thing, giants will be guarding the golden diadem aswell. A long with several creatures."

We just stayed silent. I thought to myself, Finding a golden diadem in the middle of the wood. Not that hard. Except there are giants guarding it.

Arthur Weasley snapped,"Shall we?" He led us outside of the camps. Students were cheering and all. The professors were sitting on their respectful chairs. At the centre stood a table, on the table were three different items. A wornout shoe, a key and a necklace. Floralline ran and stood infront of the necklace. Girls.

I turned to Dolohov, then to the wornout shoe. No way Im touching that! I guessed Dolohov was thinking the same. We raced towards the table, to the key. We were even, then he was infront of me. I pulled his shirt, then I was infront of him. I stopped infront of the key, Dolohov shortly arrived infront of the wornout shoe. He muttered underneath his breathe,"Dog."

I replied it, "Slowpork." Then, Arthur Weasley stood infront of us. Beside him was Mr.Ollivander.

"Before the task, your wand will be weighed, checked, to see if it is safe to use." We handed Ollivander our wands, he weighed the first wand, from Dolohov.

He said out loud, "Yew, Dragon Heartstring. 12 inches." He paused, before he continue,"Safe to use." He handed back the wand to Dolohov.
I gave Ollivander my wand. He ran his hands at the my wand, he smiled then, before saying,"Ahh.. Dogwood, Phoenix Feather, 12 1/2 inches." He then handed to me,"Its my personal favourite, its safe to use. He winked at me. I just couldn't do anything but smile.

Next, was Feralline Fair. The wand maker Ollivander checked her wand. "Hmm... Cherry, Unicorn's hair, 13 inches." It belongs to, of course, Miss Fair." He handed back the wand. "Mr. Weasley. All good." He meant that our wands are good and safe to use.

Arthur Weasley,"Blimey! Champions, ready. Touch the portkey at the sound of the cannon." He counted then,"Three... Two... One..."

The cannon boomed. Dolohov shot his hand towards my key and Disapparate with it. Bastard. Floralline also touched her portkey and Dissapparate. Leaving me and the wornout shoe.

"Go on Remus!" I closed my eyes and touched the wornout shoe. The cheers and the voices were all gone.

I dissapparated.

James RavenwoodWhere stories live. Discover now