First Fight.

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A voice stopped our chuckling."Yea? You think so?" We turned around to see Dolohov and his gang showed up at the entrance of the greenhouse. One of them locked the door. We all know this means business. Various plants were in the greenhouse, if the fight is going on here, we will definitely cause a lot of vandalism in the greenhouse, winning ourselves an expel ticket from Hogwarts.

"Not that I think so, I know so." Ken replied daringly, as if to challenge Dolohov to do something about it.
Dolohov chuckled abit, before he said,"Atleast I'm not a mudblood!"
At the sound of the word "Mudblood", all of us drew out our wands, eager to use them against Dolohov.

Dolohov and his gang were four all together, the numbers were even with me and my mates. I was enraged by him calling Ken a mudblood. Not just Ken, but whenever he called a MuggleBorn a mudblood. "How dare you Dolohov! You and your Death Eater uncle..."

"Don't you dare speak of my uncle!" He cried out, with his wand pointing at me. He clearly mad about it.

I urged him more," Yeah? What you gonna do about it aye? You got no balls, Dolohov."
Just as I finished my sentence, he shouted, "Stupefy!" A green light shot out from the tip of his wand, moving towards me. Dolohov started the fight.

I was fast enough to block it with the Shield Charm. We were firing each other with curses,jinxes, charms. Some of our spell caused the plants to explode. Ken hit one of Dolohov's comrades with a Full Body Bind Curse.

We were still backfiring at each other's rival now. Fortunately, Reid and Jack managed to bring down the others. Leaving only me and Dolohov still duelling. Ken,Jack and Reid gave me space to duel Dolohov on my own. I was quicker and a better duellist .

I used the KnockBack Jinx on him. He fell backwards by the jinx. He was not moving on the floor. I walked towards him. Afraid that he might be dead.

Suddnly,he quickly aimed his wand at me and cried,"Crucio!" Jack knew this and disarmed Dolohov.

"Expelliarmus." The Yew wand from Dolohov's flew out from his grip. Cancelling his Cruciatus Curse on me. I walked towards him enraged.

"You were trying to use Cruciatus on me!?"I aimed my wand at him. He covered his face with his hand, cowered.

I didn't realize that Jack was standing behind me. He touched my shoulder. "Relax Remus. We got him. We will send him to the Headmaster." But there he was, pleading at
us to not send him to the Headmaster. He didn't want to get expelled.

I waved my wand up while casting, "Levicorpus." The spell would send Dolohov hanging in the air, his ankles were hooked by an invinsible hook.

Ignoring Dolohov's plead, I turned to Jack, "Yeah, let's send him to the Headmaster."

James RavenwoodWhere stories live. Discover now