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I walked to Gryffindor Common Room after the Headmaster gave a brief about the Triwizard Tournament to the three champions, me, Feralline and hideous creature Doloweep. It was quite late.

When I arrived at the Gryffindor Common Room, as usual, Ken and Reid were still up. The others were dead(Snoring). We talked about the Triwizard Tournament. Bla bla bla. We went to bed at three a.m.

I woke up late. I rushed to Dueling Theory and Practice class, my fav subject. When I opened the door, Professor Collins stopped, watching me. I entered slowly, awkwardly. I then walked past the students, to the empty seat. Ken was giving me the You're Dead gesture with his hand mimic slicing his throat. I looked into the Professor's eyes. "Im sorry, Professor."

"Frankly, you're late five minutes."

"Oh... thank.."I sighed.

"Five points away from Gryffindor!" He then continued his teaching.

I sat next to Ken. I whispered to him,"What the hell, no one woke me up."

"We did, Remus.But You're dead. So we guessed we will come back after the class to bury you"

"It's not funny, Ken." I turned my attention to Professor Collins. Then I looked at something. "Why are our guests being in the class?"I noticed that Durmstrang boys and Beauxbatons ladies were joining us.

"One can use non verbal spells to suprise your opponent. The advantages including your opponent wouldn't know what spell you be using, he/she won't see this coming. While the cons are the spell might be not as efficient as verbal spells. As you have to say the incantation out loud." Professor Collins was walking around on the stage. "Now! Practical! I would like two Volunteers!"

I shot my hand up as fast as I could. There were several had their hands raised, even in the Durmstrang group and Beauxbatons group. I looked straight towards Dolohov, he had his hand raised as well.

"Ahh, Ravenwood! Get up." Professor pointed to me. Then he go glanced around again. "And...... Oakley!" He pointed to the Ravenclaw boy.

I was already on the stage. So Sean Oakley.
I slided out my Dogwood Wand our from my robe as he drew his wand aswell. Professor Collins told us to use non-verbal spells in the duel. The aim was to stun,disarm, your opponent.

We bowed to each other then, raisinf our wands to our faces. And slashed it to our side,before aiming our wand against each other. Sean Oakley shot out a green light towards me, my guess was he used stupefy. I slashed my wand upward, as a bright blue shield appeared to block the spell.

I then slashed my wand at him, throwing a red light from my wand. He shot out a green light towards me. Our spells met and dispersed into nothing. I thought to my self,time to end this.

Serpentsortia! I summoned a snake out , the snake slithered to him. He shot immobolus spell to the snake and send another red light to me. I spun and casted the Shield Charm again and shot out a jet of water to Oakley's leg. His leg now wet. He shot another green light at me. I rolled over and shot another spell, Glacius, to his wet leg. Th water turned into ice and freezed his leg.

He tried to move his leg, I took this opportunity to disarm him. Expelliarmus.The red light flew to his wand, sending his wand flying to the right. People gave a loud applouse to me. I bowed to him, as I gazed at Dolohov. I chinned up at him, as if to show off my skills.

"Well done Ravenwood! Now I would like..."

Dolohov stood up," What about me, Professor?"

Professor Collins nodded then, "Well, seeing your enthusiasm. Come up then." Dolohov made his way up to the stage. Oakley settled down and picked his wand before he sat down. Professor Collins glanced at the two of us, back and forth.

Dolohov drew his wand out. We just gazed at each other's eyes.

I started to make the move, sending a red light to him. He spun around and replied with a green light. I blocked it with the Shield Charm. He sent spell after spell then. I blocked each of them. He shot out a rope towards me. I ducked and shocked as I was hit by a strong, invinsible push to my body. I flew backwards by the impact, one of his spell hit me. It must be the Flipendo Jinx. He smiled and me and started firing spells again. I blocked and blocked and blocked.

At one point, I ducked and casted Fumos Duo, a smokescreen charm. A thick fog covered up my area, I just crouched and watched as variety colours of light flew above my head through the fog. I lied on the stage.

I was waiting for him to start firing again, but he didn't. I kept lying then. Then, to my suprise, I saw something slithered infront of me, towards me. I was shocked to see half a dozen snake slithered into the fog, going for me. I yelled,"Whoa whoa whoa!" As I got up to stand. Then a spell hit me in the chest. The spell threw me across the room, out of the fog. I was thrown out from the stage. When I tried to get my aim, my wand was disarmed. Dolohov appeared out of my fog. He walked down off down the stage.

I just looked at him in disbelief. He smiled at me, before walking to his group. The students cheered for him. As I walked to pickup my wand. Ken mouthed to me What the heck? I just sat on my seat, frustated.

Professor Collins then clapped his hand, " Welldone Dolohov! That's brilliant! You may dismissed!"

James RavenwoodWhere stories live. Discover now