Chapter 2

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We finally arrived at Sierra Canyon.
"WE ARE HEREEEEEEEEEE BITCH" Tamia yelled yet again.
"girl what wit you and yelling?" i asked
"its more fun" Tamia replied in a duh tone.
"this girl finna be the death of me" i thought to myself.

Me and Tami made our way to the office to get our schedule.
As i opened the door i saw Bronny standing there with his schedule in his right hand and his phone in his left..
When i tell you i almost made a run for it...😭
Tamia pushed me closer to the desk and i almost stumbled. Thanks alot bih🙄
Behind the desk was a light skinned woman with glasses going through some files.
"Names?" the woman asked without even taking a look up from her desk.
"Kianna Carter"
"Tamia Moore"
Me and Tamia said to the lady.
"Alright here are your schedules. Have a good day" the lady said finally taking a look at both of us.

I was in the office looking at my schedule when this pretty girl walked in with Tamia.
She was drop dead gorgeous. I've always seen her around campus..but i never really talked to her. I think her name is Kayana..
"Kianna Carter" i heard her say her name.
God her voice is so soft and beautiful.
"Hey..Kianna right?" i said while looking straight at her.
"uh..yeah..hey" she replied nervously.
"cool..nice to meet you" i said while smiling.
"nice to meet you too Bronny" she said..
God the way she says my name!😩
"Hello Bron Bron" Tamia butts in.
"Sup Mia" i say while dapping her up.
"Well i got Home Room first so imma head out y'all. Dueces" she said while giving Kianna a look i couldn't quite read.
"Uh what class do you have first?" i asked her.
""she replied while looking down at her schedule.
"Same..lemme see your schedule." i said while taking the the schedule from her hand.
"sure." she said while chuckling
"we have all the same classes apart from Physics and Chemistry" i said while smiling.
"is that a good thing?" she said while looking down at her feet.
"of course it is" i said while laughing.

OMFG Bronny just talked to me.
His smile is to dieee forrrr
and his voice..
And we're having most of our classes together
"Kianna?" Bronny said while waving his hand infront of my face.
oops i guess i got caught up in my thoughts 🤷🏾‍♀️
"uh were saying?"
"i was asking if you wanted to come have lunch with me and my friends" Bronny said while scratching the back of his head.
I almost did a flip onG✋🏾
"yess" i said a little bit too loud.
"thats wassup" Bronny said while smiling.

Me and Bronny entered our math class and some girl came infront of us "Heyyy Bronny" she said in a flirtatious tone.
She didn't even acknowledge my presence.
"wassup A" Bronny said dryly and continued walking.
"uhm..wanna sit next to me?" Bronny nervously asked.
"sure no problem." i said while making it sound like it wasn't that big of a deal.

I was happy that me and Bronny were actually talking..and that he actually NOTICED me.
I think this might me a start of something beautiful.

sorry these chapters are kinda short..they're gonna get longer i promise🙂
Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

Here are how the characters look like btw

Here are how the characters look like btw

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The rest of the characters are themselves..
the likes of Mikey, Bronny, Zaire, Jalen etc.

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