Chapter 11

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Kianna's POV:

"So where to mom?"
"Donnies Icecream, i hear they got the best icecream."

My mom and I took a short drive to Donnie's icecream and placed our orders and took a seat at the balcony.

"So tell me Kianna, how's everything been treating you?"
"Everythings been great mom. I'm really happy and I'm acutally enjoying school. Basketball's great. I think i have it all together."
"I'm really glad to hear that, you know. It makes so happy to hear that at least one of my babies is having a good life." mom said with a soft smile but my heart dropped.
" When are we gonna get Larnell back mom?",
"As soon as his social worker runs a check on us and thinks were eligible to take care of him."
" Can't they see that you and I will provide an amazing environment for him? How long will it take for us to have him back?" I said with frustration in my voice.
"I understand honey but all we can do is be patient. " my mom said with glistening eyes.
"I can't be patient forever." I said and my mom nodded and held my hand.

Mom and I spent the rest of our day out at the farmers market since I'd never been to one. It was fun to actually take some time off and spend a day with her.

*Time Skip to Monday morning*

"Are you free today after school babe?" I asked Bronny and he didn't answer. He just stared off into space.
"Hello??" I waved my hand infront of his face.
"Huh, yeah I'm free." Bronny replied clearly startled.
"What're you thinking about?"
"Nothing important. Lemme walk you to class."Bronny replied while standing up to take my hand.

Bronny Pov:

I had the strong urge to ask her about her brother. The only info I've managed to get about him is that his name is Larnell and that he talks to her everyday 10 minutes before the end of lunch.
What beats me is why she's keeping him a secret. I have a bad feeling about all of this.

"This is our stop." I stopped her at the door of her next class.
"Well thanks for walking me to class."
"No problem. I'll see you at lunch." I kissed her quickly and went to my next class.

I couldn't pay attention during my lesson.
I only kept coming up with the worst case scenarios about why she's hiding her brother from me and maybe everyone else.
I hope I'm wrong about all of this.

Kianna Pov:

*10 minutes before the end of lunch*

I texted Larnell to meet me at the basketball court so we could talk. This was the only time we could talk without anyone seeing us. I was afraid of people finding out. I'm not ashamed of my brother. It's just no one really understands why we live like this so i just decided to keep it private to avoid all the judgement. I hope it doesn't have to be this way for much longer. I wanna be a normal big sister and have a normal brother sister relationship with Larnell.

"Sorry I'm late. I got caught up." Larnell said while coming up to hug me.
" Its ight. Whats important is that you're here. How're you holding up?"
"My foster parents are still treating me right and all the other kids as well. I just want it to all get back to normal...well of course minus dad."
"Same buddy, I know what you mean."

I hugged him and then he began talking about Saturdays basketball game.

Bronny pov:

I needed to go to the gym to grab my watch charger from my gym bag when i met the sight that proved me right.
There she was with Larnell, all alone. I'm not even mad about it, I'm just confused. Why would she want to hide this from everyone?
I stood outside the gym doors when Larnell came out first then later followed by Kianna.

"Oh hey." she said, shocked
"hi, who were you with?" I asked.
" My cousin, i found him in the gym and i wanted to catch up with him so i took the chance to." she said so smoothly you couldn't tell she was lying unless you knew that he wasn't just her cousin and he was her brother.
"Cool, cool. Well i came to grab my watch charger, gimmie a minute." I said and rushed in to get the charger and came back out.

Kianna Pov:

That was so close. I hate lying about my brother and i really hate lying to Bronny but he cannot find out. At least not yet. I hope he'll understand when i finally tell him. Until then i need to keep my mouth shut about Larnell.

Kianna and Bronny Pov:

'I hope he didn't think something was off with be back there.'Kianna thought

'I hope she didn't think something was wrong with me back there.'Bronny thought

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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