Chapter 6

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Yup.Yes we were gonna kiss!
Bronny's lips were only inches away from mine. He was about to close the tiny gap between our lips when.
"eww are you guys about to kiss." Zaire said standing at the bottom of the stairs.
"get a room damn." Zaire said while laughing.
Bronny and i just rolled our eyes.
"what are you doing up anways..its like 1am." Bronny said while grabbing an apple.
"i couldn't sleep." Zaire said before grabbing the apple from Bronnys hand.
"nigga hell naww." Bronny said while getting up from his seat.
"hell yes."Zaire said while running up the stairs.
"that was the last apple." Bronny said while fake pouting.
I burst out laughing and walked over to the couch.
"going to bed already?" Bronny asked standing infront of me.
"nah..i lost sleep." i said while putting my hair in a bun.
"oh."Bronny paused abit before continuing. "do you play any sport?"
"yeah i play basketball." I say while Bronny sits next to me.
"damn mami's a baller."Bronny said while smiling at me.
I playfully rolled my eyes at him.
"are you gonna try out for the girls team?"
"yeah i am." I said while lying down and placing my feet on Bronnys lap.
"thats lit."
"yeah i guess it is." i say while laughing.
"Bronny?" I add.
"how come you never talked to me last year?" i asked while fidgeting with my my fingers.
"uh..i don't know." Bronny said while scratching the back of his head.
"but you always talked to Tamia Bronny...but never to me."
"look..i just avoided you i guess." Bronny said while shrugging.
"avoided me why would you avoid me?"
"to avoid this." Bronny said while looking me in the eye.
"wdym this?" i asked confused.
"catching feelings okay" Bronny said raising his voice a little.
"i knew if i associated myself with you..i was gonna catch feelings for you...and i couldn't at the time..because i had a girlfriend i guess avoiding you would help." Bronny said leaving me in a state of shock.
I mean i get it..he wanted to remain loyal to his girlfriend.
"s-so you like me?" i asked nervously.
"i..i guess i do...yeah." Bronny said while chuckling.

I can't believe i just admitted i have feelings for her.What if she doesn't like me back.
If she doesn't feel the same way I'm using the "i was just kidding" cover up😭
"well..i..i like you too Bronny." i heard her say in the softest tone.
I couldn't contain myself anymore.
I leaned in and my lips met hers.
Her lips were soft. My hand slowly went down to her back.
I pulled away before things got heated.
"I've been wanting to do that for a while now." i said while releasing a breath i didnt know i was even holding in.

Bronny's lips met mine. They were so soft.
He slid his hand down to my back..but pulled away shortly after.
"I've been wanting to do that for a while now." Bronny said while letting out a breath.
"me too." I said before adding "so..uh what now?"
"it's now crystal clear that we both like eachother. But its only been a week...and I'd like to get to know you better first." Bronny explained.
"i understand." "But what if you meet someone else while we're getting to know eachother. " I said a little bit worried he'd fall for some other girl.
"i won't..but if it makes you feel any better we can make a promise to each other. Your mine and I'm yours..we'll keep it that way until we're ready to make it official. " Bronny said while smiling.
"that's perfect." i said before giving Bronny one more kiss.
"good night Kia."
"goodnight Bronny."

Hope y'all enjoyed it.
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Thanks for reading<3

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