Chapter 5

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I had a feeling Amara would pick me.
She's always throwing herself at me so I'm not suprised.
But what's suprising me is that Kianna is just letting her crash with me tonight.
I guess she wasn't into me.
"so what do you say Bronny?" Amara asked me snapping out of me thoughts.
I looked over to Kianna who just shrugged.
"its can crash with me." I said

I cannot believe that Bronny just accepted to share a bed with Amara.
What if they do stuff. Ugh. Maybe i shoulda argued with her so i can crash with Bronny tonight. But i was afraid i would look desperate. So i just let it be.

*time skip*
It was 8pm. Everyone had arrived at this point. We were all just laughing at funny memes we would show each other from time to time.
"y'all lets play Truth or dare." Amari suggested.
"Aight man" Mikey said and everyone else nodded.
"ama go look for a bottle." Tamia said while getting up and heading to the kitchen.
I was on my phone while Tamia was looking for a bottle.
And i could feel someone staring at me so i turned to see Bronny looking at me but turned away as soon as my eyes met his..I just brushed it off.
"I FOUND A BOTTLE BITCHESSSSS" Tamia yelled from the kitchen.
"and she's back to yelling again💀" i thought to myself.

Tamia put the bottle on the table and spun it and it landed on Amara and she spun it and it landed on Bronny.
"Truth or dare?" Amara asked Bronny.
"I'll go with dare." Bronny said while glancing towards my direction.
For some reason i was nervous.
"ok i dare you to kiss me."
"what!?" Bronny looked at Amara with a shocked expression.
"i said i dare you to kiss me." Amara repeated.

I had a feeling she was gonna dare me to do this. I really don't wanna kiss her because i feel like i might upset Kianna..thats if she likes me.
"is there something i can do other than kiss you?" I asked hoping there would be a compromise.
"hell gotta do the dare." Amara said getting irritated.
"fine" i said dryly while looking at Kianna who just looked down at her phone.
"it better be quick doe." i added before Amara smashed her lips on mine.
It wasn't quick at all.💀
Amara turned it into a full on makeout session.

Amara turned the kiss into a makeout session. It hurt seeing Bronny kiss someone else. Ugh what am i even doing..ion even know if Bronny likes me back. But i have a small feeling he does..ion know.

I finally look back up at the two of them still making out and Amara was trying to straddle Bronny and thats when he pushed her off.
"ok that's enough jeez" Bronny said while wiping his lips.
It made me lowkey happy that Bronny stopped the kiss.
I hope he didn't enjoy it doe💀

*time skip*

I was gonna crash on the couch since i had no one to share with.
I was putting my phone to charge when i heard footsteps coming from the upstairs.
It was Bronny.
"aren't you supposed to be asleep?" i asked him while he was still coming down the stairs.
"aren't you supposed to be asleep?"Bronny returned the question.
"I was about to..then i heard you coming down the stairs." I said while he came closer to me.
"sorry i didn't mean to disturb you..I didn't feel comfortable sleeping next to Amara that's why i came down."
"its okay Lebron." i said while closing the small gap between us.
"Bronny." he said while leaning in.

Are we gonna kiss?

thanks for reading<3

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