Chapter 10.

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Firstly I'm hella sorry for not updating in a long time.
I've been having serious writers block😭
Now on with the story.

Kianna Pov:

"hold up hold up! So we got asked out on the same freakin night!?" I said in shock.
"yess girl. Istg i am so happy for you and myself." Tamia said with a smile on her face.
"I pretty much think we've won in life."
"hell yes we have." Tamia said while giving me a high five.

Officially being Bronny's girl was a huge upside.
But i can't help but feel like we might have rushed things a little bit.
Its only been three weeks since him and i met. I hope this goes the right way. I'mma try my best to think positively.

*the next morning*

I was woken up by my phone going off like crazy.
I stretched and grabbed my phone from the table and saw multiple texts from Bronny and two missed calls.
I thought something was wrong so I called back.
After two rings he picked up.
"Is everything okay?"
"Everythings perfect now that I've seen my girlfriends face."
I need to get used to him calling me his girlfriend now.

"Oh my gosh Bronny. I thought something was seriously wrong."
"Something was wrong. I missed you."he said

I playfully rolled my eyes before responding.
"well i missed you too."
he smiled.
"what're you gonna do now?And don't you dare say you're going back to bed."
"Well i was going back to bed but since that's off the agenda i guess I'll take a shower and just hang back." i said while adjusting my phone so my face could fit my screen.

"you're really boring by the way. How could you just hang back when you could be hanging out with me?"
"okay okay fine I'm gonna shower, get dressed and hang out with my boyfriend." i smiled at him.
"boyfriend. hmmm I love how that sounds." he said with a mischievous smile.

Right before i could respond my mom knocked on my door and i panicked so i hung up on Bronny.
I have a good reason for it though. My mom isn't exactly okay with me dating.

"Its good you're awake. I thought you was still asleep." my mom said while sitting on the edge of my bed.
"soo me and you haven't been spending mother and daughter time together ever since you started school. You've been so busy lately. So today is our day and we're going shopping. Get ready." my mom kissed my head and i smiled at her as she walked out.

Great. Just great. After telling Bronny I'd hang out with him. My mom tells me I'm supposed to spend today with her. I really wanted to hang out with Bronny but i need to give him some room to miss me. At least he was with me yesterday.
I audio called him and told him i wouldn't be able to hang with him.

He answered immediately.
"Okay hanging up on people is the thing now huh?"
"I'm sorry my mom knocked on my door."
"What's wrong with that? Is she not okay with you having any boy friends in general or having a boyfriend.?"
"She isn't okay with me dating that's why i panicked and hung up. I'm sorry."
"Its all good. At least we're still on for today."

My heart went to my legs when he said that.
I feel so bad for cancelling on him.
"Yeah about that...."
"oh God what now?" Bronny said clearly knowing what I'm gonna say next.
"I can't hang out with you today because my mom wants to hang out with me and i can't cancel on her bec-"
"Baby its alright. We can hang out some other time relax." Bronny said with a light chuckle.
"You're not mad?"
"Thank God. I gotta go get ready now." With that i blew a kiss at him and he caught it and put it to his chest.

I ended the call and hopped in the shower.

Bronny's Pov:

It sucks that I'm not gonna be able to spend time with her today.
But they say that it's good to get some space so you can miss her.
I need a distraction because I'm obsessed with this girl.

I went down stairs and found Bryce standing at the bottom of the stairs looking like freaking Mega Mind.

"fuck you standing there for?"
"who is she?" he asked me straight faced.
"what you mean who is she?" i said while laughing
Bryce just stared me and i knew what he meant.
"She's called Kianna. She's in my class." i replied.
"Kianna? As in Kianna Carter?"
"Yeah that's her name. You know her?"
"Nah...well not personally. Her brother's in my class...that's how i know her."
"she has a brother?" i asked in shock.
"yeah. Dude how can you not know. They literally talk everyday at school. Try observing the people she talks to. When you see. you'll know." Bryce left me standing there dumbfounded.

Kianna never told me she had a brother.
She told me she was an only child.
She even told me about how her dad's is always at work in Germany and that's just her and her mom at home most of the time.
Its really weird that she'd hide that from me.


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