Chapter 7

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I was in at my locker when i felt someone hug me from behind and kiss my neck.
I knew it Bronny. "hey ma." he said while turning me around.
"hey." i said while giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"so you're still gonna try out right?" Bronny asked me while leaning against my locker.
"yeah..I'm nervous tho."
"nervous? why would you be nervous?"
"I've seen the other girls play and i don't know if I'm as good as them."
"Kia. don't compare yourself to any of the other girls. you're gonna do great. I believe in you." Bronny said while holding my hands.
"thanks B." i said whike smiling and giving him a hug.

I've never seen Kianna play. But i have a feeling she's gonna do great and make the team.

*time skip*
Its time for try outs.
I'm really nervous. My heart is pounding out of my chest.
"ok girls. we're gonna have a 3v3 with each of you." Coach Dre shouted from the other side of the court.
I was on a team with a girl called Ashley and another one called Alicia.
They were really friendly and really tall😭.

Ashley passed me the ball and i laid it up.
We were tied with the other team. We needed one more point to win.
I passed the ball to Alicia and she dunked it in!
We won!! I think we did pretty good. I just hope i make the team.

After our game i went to get bag and saw Bronny seated on one of the stands. I had no idea he was watching me play.
"I'm impressed. You're really good. You're definitely gonna make the team." Bronny said while handing me my bag.
I blushed at his compliment.
"We'll put up the girls team roster tomorrow in the hallway." Coach Dre said before leaving the gym.
"go shower and change..we're going out." Bronny said while tapping me on the shoulder.
"ouuu where are we going?"
"its a surprise now hurry!"
With that i made my way to the locker room to freshen up.

Its only been 2 days since i had that convention with Kianna. I really wanna make her mine but i also feel like its still early. I just wanna get this 'talking stage' done so she can finally be girlfriend.

sorry its a bit short
Its 2am and i don't really know what I'm doing!😭😭
henewayssss thanks for reading<3

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