Chapter Nineteen

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~After years of waiting, nothing came~


My morning alarm woke me up from my sleep,the night was simply too long and although I was alone at home I enjoyed my peace. I yawned slowly opening my eyes and froze immediately the moment I laid eyes on Lopéz. He was seated across my bed watching me sternly,

How did he appear out of nowhere?and all of a sudden?where was he last night?how did he enter my room without my notice?

"How are you here?". I sat up and felt glad my nightwear was decent and nice.

"Your room wasn't locked,main question why is my brother pictures everywhere on your laptop?". His voice was so stern.


"I just asked you a fucking question so fucking answer me!".

I stood up and turned off my laptop,"Get out of my room Lopéz".

He stood up as well,his height covering mine. "Answer me first".

"Audacity must be on sales this year".I scoffed loudly."You really think you can just barge into my room and ask me this foolish question of yours?who the fuck do you think you're anyway?!".

"I'm your fucking husband and you will fucking answer me! you like Pedro?".

I turned trying my best to suppress my anger right now,how dare he?!!!

"I should've noticed! The way you're always so nice to him,I should've fucking noticed!!!".He yelled."Are you really going to cheat on me with my own younger brother?!!!!".

"Where were you last night?you reek of alcohol,smoke and......a female perfume Lopéz!!!".I yelled back angrily."You think you've the right to question me when in reality you're the worst Lopéz! You're a useless son of a bitch!".

He held my neck with spite and pushed me to the wall,his hands wrapped around my neck not letting it go. Lopéz is trying to strangle me!

"Shut the fuck up bitch!!! You're nothing to me".

I struggle so hard for breath,"L-Lo..... L-Lopéz.....",

All I saw in his eyes was a cold death stare and it scared me more.

Tears flowed down from my eyes,"Lopéz.....",

As if he regained his mind,he immediately released and let go of me. I fell down and touched my neck with fear,I almost died just now!

Lopéz stared down at his hands,he was shaking and I could see shock and fear in his expression.

"What the fuck did I just do to you?......I tried to kill you!".

"F-fuck!!! I'm so sorry!..... I was angry and I.....fuck I didn't know what I was doing.....",

"I'm so sorry".He pleaded and quickly rushed out.

I bolted my door Incase the madness he just displayed is about to be revealed again. I went to my mirror and touched my neck, it's still hard to believe......very hard to believe.

My own husband just tried to strangle me all because of what?.....anger? insecurities? I closed my eyes and allowed my tears to flow freely. As long as we're married,as long as we're tied together he will never stop hurting me.

I whimpered softly with tears,he must not hear me.....I can't allow him to hear me,he mustn't know I'm this weak......he can't have full control over my emotions.

It took me hours to regain back my strength. I got ready to go to work, it really sucks that I've to keep myself busy to feel okay. Lopéz was at the dining,he was seated in pure silence just gazing at the wall.

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