Chapter Thirty Two

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~In your arms is where I belong~


(The next day)

I finally got home after my father's burial ceremony has been done, everyone came for his burial-even some people I've never met a day in my life attended. My mom wouldn't stop crying, it hurt me so much to see her in so much pain; I consoled her as much as I can before leaving. Pedro and Kayla wouldn't leave my side either,they kept on making sure I was okay every second and minutes.

Truly,they are the best friends everyone needs in their lives. It took me a lot of time to convince them I need to be alone and need some time to myself before they finally left me alone.

I pulled my black jacket and let down my hair,I changed my cloth after taking a cold shower. My room was empty- no it felt empty. Lopèz absence was noticeable in every corner of the house; in my room we made love,in his room we made love, in the living room we cuddled and watched a movie, in the kitchen we cooked together and ate........we did everything together in this house and now without Lopé all feels so empty.

He hasn't called me since yesterday after the party incident,he didn't show up at the hospital neither did he come for my father's burial....... it's already 6pm in the evening and he hasn't come back home. Where is he? he with....... Rachel?

I've never felt this much lonely in my entire life,two days without Lopéz in it is so awful. My mom called,I picked it up

"Yes Mom?".

"Isabel......are you fine?".

"Umm......I wish I-really am but umm...... I'm not mommy".

I broke down. I wasn't expecting myself to let it out so fast, I just want my mother's love back. I need it.

"Oh dear please come back.........I want you back home Isabel".


"No excuses! I already lost your Dad.......I can't lose you too, you're the only one I've left....... Isobel is gone and now Daniel".

I cried profusely, my hands and legs were shaking so much......."Mom I can't......",

"Why not? I'll talk to Marquez Fernandéz,I don't care about the consequences.......... I'm so sorry I was such an horrible mother,I should have never given you to that family".

"You don't understand mom, I've fallen totally in love with Lopéz.........I don't think I can live without him, a day without him is already killing me inside".

She was silent before responding quickly,"You will have to learn to unlove him Isabel....... it's hard but you've to do it".

"I need to give him more time-",

"He didn't even come for your father's burial! He couldn't even honour your dad-",

"I know and- I just......please mom.......please",

"Isabel you're hurting yourself".

"I'll be be fine okay?".

I sniffed and ended the call. I replied my messages and emails and saw Lopéz's voicemail.....he did this?

I lied on the bed and quietly listen to his voice with my phone beside my ear,

Look I know you're angry with me but can you at least call me back?......

I really need to know if you're okay..........please call me back

I love you....... really I do Isabel and I-I k ow it sounds crazy, I know I'm crazy and stupid.......but I love you

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