Chapter Thirty Five

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~I can't imagine my life without you~


Joe the bartender looked at me and asked again for the hundredth time if I wanted more bourbon. What the hell is wrong with this ugly ass dude? Of course I want more bourbon!!

"Lopèz.....are you sure?".

"Fuck! I'm not fucking stupid! I know what the fuck I'm doing so just pour the damn drink!". I barf loudly and slammed the empty glass on the bar table for him.

He reluctantly poured more making sure my glass was full, Manuela came to my side sighing.

"You've drank enough Lopéz!",she snapped,"For God's sake you've been here for three days drinking nonstop...... I'm seriously scared for your health".

I gave her no reply as I gulp another glass to my heart content, "more!".

Rachel called walking towards me with a worried look, "Lopèz....",

"Urghhh! Why's she here now? Just......just leave".

"She works here in this club and you're fucking drunk......again!".

"I'm worried for you Lopéz,please stop drinking....... it's been three days now".

"Wait......who the fuck are you to order me around?",I turned to Joe,"I want more drinks!".

"Isabel's gone that's why you mad". Rachel said wrapping her arms around my neck."I'm here for you Lopéz, I'll always be here for you........I just need you to move on from your ex wife-",

"My wife! She's still my fucking wife and you fucking shut up!". I stood up, pushing her away from me like she's a disease and instantly landed on the floor, my hair was rough and my eyes red- I was high looking so lazy and tattered.

My friends tried picking me up but to no avail, I pushed them away standing up on my own with my bottle of bourbon.

"Lopèz.....please",I heard Rachel's voice.

"He can't go home high like this!".

"Call Alfonso or even Pedro......just call one of them!".

I walked out of the club,I felt dizzy and even with how blurry everyone is It wasn't hard to envision Isabel's face, I release a breath closing my eyes and walking towards the darkness....... perhaps it can swallow me up and take me out of this fucking earth.

I felt someone pushed me with an arm making me throw away my precious bourbon.

"Oh I'm so sorry".

A hard frown crept my face,I pulled him back and gripped his shirt...."You're sorry?is sorry gonna get me another bourbon?!".

"It was an honest mistake, I'm sorry okay?...just let me go!".

Did he just snap at me?! how dare he?!!

"Don't you fucking yell at me! How dare you?! Do you even know who I am?!". I punched him hard across the face.

He tumbled down touching his cheeks shockingly,

"I didn't yell at you! What the fuck is wrong with you man?!".

I picked him up from the floor and landed him another blow, this time around he didn't hesitate as he gave me a hard punch on my eyes.......I got angry!! How dare he touch my beautiful face unprovoked?!!!

He has not fucking right!!!!

We pushed each other to the floor even when everyone around tried to intervene, I hit him hard and hard until there was no strength in me anymore.

Pedro and Alfonso came by and grabbed me away from the man, Pedro held me tightly as Alfonso apologized to the man severely and paid him for the damages.

"Don't fucking touch me you.....dick!", I snarled angrily at Pedro, "I don't need your help......he punched me first!".

"This is so embarrassing we need to get him out of here first",

I laughed loudly at what my younger brother said, "It's so easy to get me outta here but it's hard taking me to Isabel........oh wow Pedro such a nice looking dude you are!".

I patted him roughly on the face while hugging him, "Ughh God you reek!". He pushed me back.

"You know where my wife is, I need to go to can someone interrupt my breath so much?! PLEASE I NEED TO BE WITH MY WOMAN!!!".

I received a blow on my lips unexpectedly from Pedro and before I knew it I got hit again, we started fighting not letting each other go... "Oh damn both of you that's enough!". Alfonso yelled trying to come in between us.

"Such a dick ass of a man! You better get a grip of yourself cause Isabel ain't coming back to your cheating ass!".

I gripped Pedro's neck angrily almost choking him,we both landed on the floor hitting my head on the ground.

"Shut the fuck up!! Shut your stupid hole! Stop pretending like you haven't been waiting for this moment! moment for me to fuck up and her to get away!". I climbed on him hitting him on the face, "You motherfucking son of a bitch!".

Alfonso with the help of others roughly pulled me away from him and the next thing I saw was Pedro hitting on my face like I did his, I couldn't block his blows and punches.

"Don't you dare project your anger on me! I'm not the reason Isabel left your cheating ass!.......she figured she deserved better and she left!".

"Let her heal and be happy! That's the least you can do for her!".

His words quietly shut me up, I felt my nose already crooked and my eyelids shutting face was all bruised up and I was coughing out blood.

Pedro rolled of off me, we both sighed and laid on the ground together. I find it very difficult to breath,the stars shone bright at me.

"I'm so sorry I fucked up".

He glanced at me,"I'm sorry too- I should've never looked at her twice....... regardless,she was your woman".


That fact alone broke the hell out of me, the word ripped me apart.

"I.......I didn't fall in love with Isabel because I was bored or lost.......I fell for her because when I bonded with Isabel for the first was the only time I've ever wanted to make someone permanent in my life".

"You know Pedro if I'd known I'll be this miserable without her.......I never would've joked around".

I sighed finally accepting my fate, I turned to my brother. "I'm done........I lost her, you can have her now Pedro........I give up".

"You give up?".

"I give up".

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