Chapter Twenty

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~Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty~


I came back home stressed out. I needed to be busy- it gets my mind off stuffs I don't want to think about. I spent the day with the modeling agency I'm under now and I've successfully signed a contract negotiations with them. I've been recruited as a model and now my work just began.

Isabel was nowhere around. As far as I know she doesn't come back from work this late,I wanted to apologize more to her. Whether I like it or not,she deserves my sincere apology- I almost killed her! The tears I saw in her eyes hurt me in a way I never thought it would and that was when I realize....... Isabel has started getting under my skin,I think in a strange way I'm starting to care for her.

Should I eliminate this stupid feeling?what if it turns to something bigger and I can't control it anymore?.....holy shit!

Eventually I'll be like a lost sheep in love and before I can control it I'mma be begging for her love and attention......

No Lopéz!!!! That's never gonna happen!

I got a surprise message from Rachel, missing you.... How on earth did she even get my number? damn you Manuela!

Yes the sex was good with Rachel but that was just it! Nothing more attached to it! I don't even care for her, she's just really irrisitable I find it hard to control my dick whenever I'm with her. I got a call from Rachel and I quickly declined it.

What the fuck is wrong with her? It's just sex.... don't be clingy!

I pulled my jacket and rested on the couch.....Isabel

The urge to call her was so real. I just needed to know if she's safe wherever she is or should I go damn straight to her workplace? Lopéz she will know you care bout her.....but fuck is she alright?

I need to know or else I'll start to have an headache thinking about her. I called Pedro instead,

"Hey Lopéz". I heard his quiet voice.

"Can you call Isabel?my traded wife hasn't gotten home ridiculous!".

"Traded wife? Lopéz I hope you aren't saying those harsh words to her...... it's hurtful".

"I'll say and do whatever I want, it's none of your calling her or not?".I snap at him.

"We already talked, she's busy at work".He replied.

"How the fuck do you know that before me?".

"Cause I called her and she told me".

Is that why Isabel fancy him?because he calls her?

"What about you?you say you don't care about her but look at you calling me to call are worried aren't you?".

Is he trying to mock me right now?

"Shush! I've to do it all to get into Marquez good books,I really don't give a fuck about Isabel......she means nothing to me".I told him and even I know my words don't sound real no more.

"Your ego and pride is bigger than your feelings,keep doing that and you will lose her for real".

"And just Incase you don't know Lopéz,some are waiting patiently for that to happen....... Isabel deserves to be treated right,if you can't do that.....another man will".

He hung on me and left me to my thoughts. If you can't do that another man will?what the fuck was that?! It sounded like a warning!

Now I'm starting to really think Isabel and Pedro have something together! Do they really?

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