16. I knew you'd be the one to come looking

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Sam's POV

I stared up at the warehouse-like building in front of me as I sat in the driver's seat of my car. I looked down at my phone for what must have been the tenth time, trying to confirm that this was the building I'd tracked Hayden's phone to.

Also, I was trying to convince myself he'd come walking out at any second, asking me what the hell I was going here.

He didn't, just as I knew deep down he wouldn't, and I been sitting there for damn near twenty minutes.

Something was very wrong. I knew that. There was no other way around it. I hadn't told Everly because I didn't want her to worry about me when she needed to be focusing on the missing agents.

But something was very wrong.

I finally shoved open the car door and stepped out, grabbing my jacket off the seat next to me and pulling it on. I then picked up the gun resting on the seat and shoved it into my waistband, pulling the jacket over it. I also had a few knives hidden on me already, but those weren't my weapons of choice.

I slipped my phone into my pocket and pulled the flashlight from the glove box and held that in my hand. It was just before midnight and the streets were nearly as black as the night sky, with the exception of a few streetlights.

I hadn't seen any security measures outside of the building when I'd driven by a couple of times. Hadn't seen any sign of anyone actually being in there and from the outside, the building didn't look like much.

Graffiti decorated the outside. Broken windows with wooden beams nailed across. The roof had a huge hole in it, as did several of the walls.

The only reason I was even considering checking out the building, besides the fact that I had seen buildings like this a hundred times over hiding something else, was because of the door. The door did not belong.

Instead of being broken and barely hanging on as the rest of the building was, the door appeared to be brand new, and solid metal.

I soon realized that it wasn't locked, however, as I turned the handle and shoved it open.

The door was heavy, but it gave way as I pushed it open. The inside of the building was dark, with only minimal light shining in from a couple of streetlights outside.

I turned on the flashlight in my hands and shone it around the building, revealing one giant empty room. Well, not completely empty. There were a couple of tables, some chairs, and a few other things lying around. Mostly trash.

I shined the flashlight around as I walked, keeping on alert for anything that looked out of the ordinary, but I was coming up empty. There were a few sheets of paper on the floor, but they were all blank. What stood out to me though, was that they were all clean. This building was filthy inside and out but the papers were all clean. They wouldn't have been if they'd been sitting in this building for a long time.

Someone was here. That much was clear, unfortunately, it appeared they'd moved on before I could get here.

The one thing I didn't see, however, was Hayden's phone. I had tracked it here and even as I had sat outside the building, it had still said it was here.

I pulled my own phone from my pocket and pulled up the tracking once more. It still said that the phone was in the building. Where in the building, I couldn't completely tell and I wasn't about to search through all the piles of trash aimlessly. I just hoped Hayden had left his phone on.

I punched in Hayden's number as I had never saved it and listened, waiting to see if I could hear it.

I'd never saved Hayden's number for a number of reasons, the most important one being, I didn't want anyone to be able to identify anyone through my phone if I lost it or it was stolen. I didn't even have Everly's number saved, only memorized.

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