1. Need a hand?

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Yes, I'm aware this update is super late and I apologize. My college classes are a lot harder this year than they've been before, so I've really been busy studying and doing homework. Basically, I'm making sure I pass the classes. How selfish of me, I know. It also doesn't help that all my midterms have been this week and will be next week as well.

Anyway, I also posted a book list at the beginning of this book, mostly just so that you know when each book (spin-offs included) takes place within this series.

Also, I can't say when the next update will be, I'm trying my best to get updates worked on (for Catching the Storm, Agent 34, and finishing the bonus chapters for Agent 1) but my college schedule is really busy so I really have no idea when the next updates will be. I apologize. I'll get around to it whenever I can.

Enjoy! (Long overdue, I know.)

Everly's POV

Alpha Agency.

I've never known any agent who actually refers to it as that. Usually, we all just say "the agency" because we all know what we're talking about. It's never needed to be explained to each other. Sometimes, on rare occasions, you'll hear it referred to as Double A. Personally, I thought that was stupid. It sounded like a battery.

Not that the original name was any better. It made us sound like a cult of werewolf worshippers.

Of course, my opinion on the name of the agency didn't matter. The decision for the name rested with our current Chief, Richard Kessler, aka Zero.

Address him as anything other than Chief or Zero, and it was rumored you'd end up in an unmarked grave. I say rumored because on occasion-usually when I felt he deserved to be taken down a peg or two-I called him by the shorter, nickname version of his first name.

So far as I could tell, I was still alive and unburied. As of two hours ago, however, I was wanting to bury him in an unmarked grave.

Sure, I'd end up being hunted down for the rest of my life, but it would be worth it.

I'm the best agent the agency has. That's not me boasting. That's a fact. A fact Zero frequently takes full advantage of. What I mean when I say this, is that Zero enjoys sending me on suicide missions. Now I know if I died on one of these missions he'd actually be pretty upset because he'd end up losing not only his best agent but also his only solo agent.

Zero likes his teams. You have to be on a team to be in the agency, no exceptions. Until the day he learned just how well I played with others. He finally realized I was better off on my own. That never stopped him from occasionally sending me on missions with other teams though, but I always ended up running the show.

That's not to say I have never had a team of my own. I had, once upon a time. We had been the best team in the agency, composed of the best agents. Which was also why when we fell, we fell hard. There were seven of us, and two betrayed us. In the end, only three survived. Myself, my best friend, and one of the traitors. He was currently locked away at the agency, never to see the light of day again.

Even though Zero valued me as an agent-Lord knew he couldn't stand me as a person-that didn't stop him from sending me on those suicide missions. Secretly I thought he wished me dead, but he knew if I were dead it would only create more problems for him.

Saying that Zero and I didn't see eye to eye was a vast understatement. We couldn't stand each other. In the beginning, I actually looked up to him. Respected him. Until I realized he could be just as twisted as the monsters he sent me off to defeat.

Lately, he has been a lot better. He was still intolerable, make no mistake, but he had gotten better at seeing his agents as people rather than just toy soldiers made to march when he told them.

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