18. So what's it going to be, Samuel?

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Again, a little late for me, but whatever, I got it done. It's a little longer than usual so you're welcome.

Alright, I'm unsure whether or not I'll be able to update tomorrow. It's a long story but I've got to help my dad take care of a few things at my Grandma's house-Short version; something quite literally died in her attic and it's sticking up the whole house. So, if I get around to updating, I will but if I don't, it couldn't be helped.

Anyway, enjoy!

Sam's POV

I woke up in a seated position on the floor, my back against a wall. My head was pounding. My body was sore from the fight I'd put up when they'd tried to take me. My neck was killing me as well.

As I tried to force my head up, tried to become more aware of my surroundings, I realized two things. One, I couldn't hear shit even though I could see movement and activity in my peripheral vision, and two, my body was not just sore from the fight. There was something else. Likely something about the drug they'd used to drug me, but I could barely move.

I managed to finally get my head up to clearly see the room I was in. There were unfamiliar faces moving all over the room. Tables and chairs were set up. On one side there was a huge computer set up with various monitors and other gadgets and right next to that, was what looked like something right out of a chemistry lab.

Not one person paid me any attention. Not a person even turned my way. And I noticed something peculiar, I wasn't actually restrained. There were no cuffs, no ropes, no zip ties, no chains, no nothing keeping me in place.

Of course, I figured out why a few seconds later, when I tried to get up and found I didn't have the strength. Whatever I'd been drugged with was keeping me down.

And I still couldn't hear shit. It took a lot of effort, but eventually, I was able to reach my hand up to my left ear. The hearing aid was still there, but someone had clearly switched it off.

I didn't need to guess who.

I turned it back on and took a second to adjust to all the sounds echoing around me.

"And here I was thinking I might have accidentally killed you," A familiar voice said.

I turned my head to see Lydia leaning back against a table, arms crossed over her chest, and a less than pleasant smile on her face.

"Have a nice nap, Samuel?" She asked me.

I didn't reply to her and only stared back.

"Sorry," Lydia suddenly said. "I forget you're a little hard of hearing, so would you like me to repeat it, or just write it down?"

This time I glared at her.

She smiled. "So you are hearing me, that's good to know." She rested her hands on the table behind her. "You can and try to leave," She said. "but you won't get far if you even manage to stand. The drug I slipped you will leave you physically weak for the next twelve hours. You'll also likely have a headache, nausea, and a ringing in your ears." She paused. "Although, I doubt you'd hear it."

I didn't respond to her. I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of seeing a reaction from me.

This was far worse than I had thought. I wanted to get answers out her, but at the same time, what was the point? I likely wasn't going to be around to tell anyone.

If only I had told someone where I was going before I'd left. True, Everly knew what I was doing, but she wouldn't know where I ended up and even if she did, I wouldn't want her to come. Wouldn't want her to walk into the same trap I had unknowingly walked into.

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