26. And ruin the evening showing of stupid?

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I realize it's been a while, but I got caught up with my studies, my finals, my brother's graduation, and just life in general. I fully intend to continue writing throughout the summer and I hope to finish the bonus chapters for Agent 1 by the end of this month.

I don't know how much time I'll actually have this summer as I have projects I'm working on, but I fully intend to do as much writing as I possibly can (without burning myself out) as I do very much enjoy writing and I'm happy to finally have the time to do so again.

In other news, someone on my message board suggested that I make a discord server for people to discuss theories about books, vent about things, and just basically have a place where you all can discuss the books/characters. I think it's a great idea, but let me know what you all think. I don't know a whole lot about discord but I have started setting up a server, so let me know if this is something you'd all be interested in.

Anyway, here's the newest chapter. Thinking of doing the next chapter in Lydia's POV again. I had a lot of fun writing things from her point of view.

Everly's POV

We had laid out the two maps we'd taken on the table in the conference room outside of my home office. Several black lights were set up around the table and aimed at the maps resting on it so that the otherwise invisible markings and words could be clearly seen.

"Pretty sure that word's Spanish," Ryan said as he pointed to one of the words.

"What do you mean pretty sure?" Eric asked him. "Spanish was one of the two languages the agency required us to learn and become fluent in. How are you only pretty sure that's a Spanish word?"

Tessa was leaned back in her chair, her feet up on the table in front of her. "He had Alejandra do his Spanish homework," She announced. "That's why he's only pretty sure."

Ryan glared at her. "Oh, like you didn't do the same?"

Ian looked between the two of them in annoyance before looking at Alejandra who was sitting in a chair at the table, her elbow on the table holding up her head, and looking completely bored with the conversation.

"Why would you voluntarily do their Spanish homework for them?" Ian asked her. "How were they going to learn?"

Alejandra glanced up from the maps to Ian. "You say that as if that's the reason they're fucking stupid."

Both Tessa and Ryan began shouting their protests at her words. Eric nearly fell out of his chair laughing hysterically, Noelle just sighed and kept looking over the maps, and Ian looked like he was about to shoot all of them with the exception of Noelle.

"That was years ago," Alejandra continued, ignoring Tessa's colorful vocabulary and Ryan's offended protests. "And I got paid for that."

Noelle suddenly felt the need to get involved in that ridiculous conversation. "You charged them?" She questioned.

Alejandra just nodded, her focus still on the maps.

"Yeah," Ryan agreed. "But it was only twenty bucks and I didn't have to do it, so I figured it was worth it."

Tessa suddenly sat upright in her chair, feet on the floor, and stared down at Alejandra. "You charged him twenty? You charged me a hundred!"

Ryan immediately started laughing.

Alejandra looked over to Tessa with a blank look on her face. "I didn't like you," She stated. "If you both had Spanish homework for me to do today, the prices would be reversed."

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