7. I will drop kick you

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Catching the Storm will be updated either later today, or tomorrow. I'm still working on it, but I figured since I had this chapter done, I wouldn't make you all wait any longer for it.

Merry Christmas! (To those who celebrate it) 

And Happy Holidays!

Everly's POV

"I hope you locked up Angel," I told Lily as we welcomed yet another person into my house. I stood in the doorway of the front door and had not yet changed out of clothes much to Lily's dismay.

Most of the "guest list" as Megan had called it, I knew because I worked with them and then there were the people I was actually close to like Lily's parents, Ryder's father and stepmother, and others.

Lily waved me off. "Angel's not here," She told me.

Angel, being Lily's long time pet that she got off the black market. Lily named her Angel because-in Lily's eyes at least-she was the perfect angel. Perfectly well behaved. None of us believed that. Why? Well because Angel was an alligator.

I stared at her, waiting for her to inform me where on earth she decided to stash a twelve-foot long alligator last minute.

She looked up at me when she felt my stare on her face. She shrugged. "My friend's watching her."

"What friend do you have that willing volunteered to babysit an alligator?"

Her eyes lit up with devilish mischief. "Who said he knew he was babysitting an alligator? I simply asked him if he could watch my pet for a few days."

I shook my head. "Of course," I said.

Lily looked down at her phone and began typing across the screen. "Nicky and Ryder are coming up the drive right now," She told me.

Nicolette (Nicky) Moore was a hacker. The best in the world. Once upon a time, she'd been a very bad person, but she'd been one of the good guys for quite a few years now. She'd been working for the FBI for almost a year after Ryder had gotten her in.

Ryder Stevenson was FBI and he'd been assigned by the FBI director to protect Nicky. They'd ended up dating, after he'd gotten over the initial shock of finding out who she really was. He was also a dear friend of mine and Lily's older half-brother. He could be just as devilishly mischievous as Lily. As he proved time and time again.

She gave my clothes another disapproving glance and shook her head. "What are your guests going to think?" She asked me.

I shrugged. "Considering everyone has been greeting me and giving me hugs without even batting an eye at what I'm wearing, I think the only one who cares, is you." I narrowed my eyes at her. "And I saw what you left out for me to wear and no way in hell is that happening."

Lily snickered. "It matches your eyes."

"Explain to me how that dress matches my eyes. I don't even know which part of it is worse, the style that leaves nothing to the imagination, or the fact that it is covered in flamingos of all things."

She smiled widely. "Flamingos are cute."

I shook my head. "You are ridiculous." I looked out at the sky. The sun was just beginning to set, casting shadows across the yard and a chill was setting into the air. "Who else did you invite?" I asked her.

"I invited Jackson Storm," Lily said with a wicked glint in her eyes. "But he was otherwise occupied. Said he was truly sorry he'd have to miss it. Also said he'd make it up to you."

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