28. I'm not you

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Alright, the Discord server is officially done. At least, I think it is. We'll see how it goes.

Anyway, I'll be posting the link on my Wattpad profile, as well as my Instagram profile. I will also be posting it in an announcement about the server on my Wattpad profile shortly after this chapter has been posted. So keep an eye out for that for those of you who wish to join.

Next update will be back in Everly's POV.

Melanie is Agent 34, by the way. For those of you who may have forgotten.

Melanie's POV

I was dizzy, my head was throbbing, and my body felt like it had been run over a few dozen times. My ass was also numb, but that seemed to be the least of my problems.

I tried to move with little success. Tried to open my eyes to take in my surroundings, but my eyelids felt as if they were glued shut. Even breathing felt like a chore.

What was in that dart she shot me with?

The only thing that didn't seem affected by whatever drug had been used on me, was my hearing. Of course, there wasn't all that much to hear. The only audible sound around me was the clicking of keys on a keyboard. Even that, however, was rather faint.

I tried to will my body to move, but I literally couldn't. After fighting with my eyelids for what felt like forever, finally, I was able to open my eyes just barely. There wasn't a whole lot of light in the room, but there was enough to hurt my eyes.

I blinked once. Twice. Three times. Four, before finally my eyes seemed to adjust to the bright light.

I took a moment to look around the room. It was spacious but mostly empty. There was a desk set up in the middle of it, right across from where I was sitting on the floor. It was set up facing the door, and I was sitting to the right of the door, facing the side of the desk. Most interesting, however, was the woman sitting at the desk, typing away on her computer without a care in the world.

She'd introduced herself as Lydia.

If I had to take a guess, I would assume that this was the same Lydia that Tessa had been working undercover for. Which wasn't a good thing. From the stories Tessa had told, Lydia wasn't one to be messed with.

I was able to move my head with a lot of effort, and feeling was starting to return to my fingers and toes. Still, I wanted to be able to push to my feet. I was feeling like I was trapped under a heavy weight while hyenas were circling nearby, and it wasn't a pleasant feeling.

I did notice something curious, however, in my efforts to move more than just turning my head or lifting my finger. I wasn't restrained. There were no cuffs, no chains, no ropes, no duct tape. Absolutely nothing holding me in place. Nothing stopping me from getting back on my feet and fighting my way out of there.

Nothing except my drugged-up body.

But given enough time, that would no longer be a problem. I looked cautiously at Lydia as she continued to type away on the laptop set in front of her. She hadn't once looked in my direction. Hadn't once given any indication that she even realized I was there, or that I was now awake.

I was careful to keep my movements subtle and small. Taking great effort in ensuring that little by little, I could move. All of my body felt sluggish and weak, but I was willing to take the chance that I could get to the door before she could get to me. After all, I was closer and she had a desk in her way.

I started to balance my weight on my hands. Started to slowly pull my legs up. Started to slowly get into a position where I could quickly push myself to my feet and make a run for it. All the while my attention was fixated on Lydia. On making sure she wasn't watching my moves and was too preoccupied with her computer.

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