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"Vie! Wait up" Vienna heard Natalie's voice from behind her as she walked off the train, heading towards Hogwarts.

"What, Nat?" Vienna asked as she stopped in her tracks, turning around.

"First off, you don't need to put on that 'I don't care' act in front of me," Natalie said.

"It's not an act" Vienna stated, and then continued walking and Natalie ran a little to catch up to her.

"I saw the way your face dropped when you realised you had bruises on your neck. Let me guess, the reason as to why you were late was because your father hurt you again" Natalie said.

"Yes, it was because I was late, but that doesn't mean I care! I'm used to it!" Vienna admitted.

"Vie, please you can talk to me—!" Natalie sighed.

"I really wish you would stop acting like I can't take care of myself! Seriously, I'm fine" Vienna assured her.

"Okay" Natalie replied knowing that no matter what she would say, would change anything. Natalie has been trying to get Vienna to open up for year's but has had no luck.

"I assume you are going to the party tonight?" Natalie smiled as she nudged Vienna's shoulder.

"Of course. Who do you think I am?" Vienna replied with a smirk.

The two girls continued walking towards Hogwarts, arm in arm.


Tonight is the back to school party. Each year, on the first day back, a party is held. It takes place in the basement of the school. It is supposed to be locked off and no one goes down there. Apart from tonight. All houses and all years attend. Apart from first and second year's. Usually, the night involves lots of drinking, smoking, dancing and fighting. But what's a Hogwarts party without fighting?

Vienna got ready, wearing a short black dress with a slit from her thigh to her hip. Very slutty and very Vienna. She left her hair down in a messy curl. She applied some eyeliner and mascara but she didn't care enough to apply it neatly. She had smudge it a little. Also very Vienna of her. She had also made sure to cover up the bruises on her neck along with the other bruises she had gotten over the summer.

"Are you ready?" Natalie asked her from the other side of her room, "it's just gone midnight, time to go"

"Ready," Vienna said and then the two girls walked out of their dorm, through the Slytherin common room and then quietly sneaked through the long, dark corridors.

When they had reached the door of the basement there was a secret knock they had to do. A few moments later a Hufflepuff had opened the door. The boy had messy curly hair, a party hat on and a pair of rainbow glasses on.

"Welcome lady's" he smiled as we walked in.

Vienna and Natalie walked down the stairs and the music gradually got louder until it was pounding in their chest. Flashing lights lit the room in a purple and red glow.

The first thing the girls did was grab a drink and then set out to find their group. They moved past dancing bodies. Passed groups of people smoking. Couples kissing. Loud music and laughter filled their ears.

A ravenclaw was waking around with a tray of shots and of course they both grabbed one and took it back. Their laughter filling the air as they did so.

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