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Returning to Hogwarts wasn't something Vienna wanted to do but living in peace and with no loose ends was. And so if returning to Hogwarts was the only way to tighten her ends, then that is what she will do.

After her visit to the lunatic asylum, Vienna had many thought sprouting in her mind. The first being — that was not a place where she wanted to end up. And if her kill count, whatever number that may be, had to come to an end then so be it. She would miss relishing in the euphoria of killing and the wild joy it bought her, but it had to be done.

Or she and Draco would have to be twice as careful.

Vienna also realised she had an entire life a bead of her, she is eighteen years old and she has finally found freedom. After years of abuse, anger and constant fear, she is free and in love. She always wanted to be loved and now she is and she isn't going to waste a single second of it.

Vienna wanted to be strong, independent and fearless. She never wants to think about ending her life again. She never wants to be locked up and trapped in an endless pit of abuse again.

A day had passed since the asylum and Owens let Vienna know, during dinner, that Antonio had called. At first Vienna and Draco were alarmed. But Antonio had informed Owens (who had lied and said he was a relative of Vienna's) that if Vienna wanted, she could come back and sit her exams.

At first, she swore and said no but after a little moment of thought, she realised that it would be good. Antonio must have a soft spot for Vienna because all the exams are over and this Friday is graduation, which means she has one week. Antonio said she knew Vienna had been struggling with the loss of her father and everything she thought had happened with Draco.

Returning to Hogwarts would mean a week without Draco and a week back alone. The thought alone terrified her but she wasn't going to be afraid anymore. She is strong and she is independent and she will graduate from that wretched school.

So that night, she packed the little clothes she had (which reminded her she had to back anyway to get all her stuff from her dorm) and then Owens and Draco drove her to the train station the next morning.


"I love you," Draco mumbled into her hair as he held her close to him, in a tight love-filled hug.

Vienna held him so close and so tight as people passed them and Owens stood to the side, almost like a security guard on watch.

"I love you," Vienna said back and then looked up at his beautiful, handsome face and kissed his lips. He kissed back with that sweet, loving roughness she had grown to love and miss every time his lips were vacant.

"A minute till the train departs," Owens muttered, awkwardly interrupting their goodbye.

Vienna rolled her eyes and wished she could stay like this, bundled in Draco's arms, but this wasn't goodbye. This was a see you in a week. Not even a week, a few days, this wasn't forever. And so, Vienna slowly loosened her grip and Draco did the same.

"I'll see you soon," he said to her as she stepped away and could see his full face again, or what the hood over his head wasn't concealing. The hood over his head in case anyone recognised him since he's supposed to be dead.

She smiled even though she felt sadness welling up inside her the closer being without him came.

Owens came up to her next and gave her a quick, tight hug and wished her luck on her exams and warned her to stay out of trouble before she walked to the train door. Vienna gave them one final glance and saw both a hooded Draco and watchful Owens. She forced her eyes to turn away and stepped onto the train, alone.


The train began moving, leaving the station as Vienna walked down the small carriageway looking for a seat. The train was smaller than it usually would have been since there weren't over 500 students going this time. Just a few local people who lived in Hogsmeade and other nearby villagers. Maybe some parents coming up early for graduation too.

Vienna found a seat by the window, she put her bag on the seat next to her and sat by the window. She could practically feel it. The happiness of peace calling her name, reaching for her. She was so close to having it. She just had to pass these exams, graduate and leave Hogwarts, the place she called a safe place for so many years, and then she will truly be free and able to do whatever she wants.

She just had to check off this final box.

"Was the lad in the hoodie your boyfriend?" Vienna turned her head to see an elderly woman on the seat beside hers.

Vienna furrowed her brows but nodded, "yeah."

The carriage was quiet, only the sound of the train picking up speed and light murmurs of chatter or passengers fidgeting.

"I was in love once," the elderly woman said, sort of thinking out loud to herself, "a long time ago now, when I was about your age. It's a lovely thing to be in love and when it's gone—when they're gone—you can feel the hole inside you that left with them."

Vienna knew exactly what the elderly woman meant because she had been there before. Had felt that hole.

"Why are you telling me this?" Vienna asked softly.

"Because I hope you feel it for as long as possible," the woman smiled, "don't waste it. Be in love forever if you can."

The woman's smile was both beautiful and terrifying. Her dark hair and streaks of grey in and one of her eyes was silver like she was blind in one. Vienna wondered if she was imagining this woman. Was this an angel, warning her never to leave Draco? Not that she was planning on it — but this felt oddly weird.

"You're lucky," the woman said, "we are one of the lucky ones. We found love, and even though I lost mine, I still knew how it felt. But for some of us. . . some people will never know. But we did. It's such a beautiful thing but so hard to find."

Vienna merely listened, unsure what to say.

"Remind me, dear, what is it to be in love?" she asked, "what does it feel like? What doesn't being in love feel like?"

Vienna blinked and let her mind free and her heart speak wildly, "Like everything I ever lost came back to me and everything I wished for. . . had found me."

Vienna watched the woman smile and then Vienna peered out the window, at the trees and wild fields flying past. She looked at the beauty of the world and thought about what it was like to have everything she ever wanted. And then she turned back to where the woman was sitting, only to find the seat empty.

Jesus, she truly was insane.


Instagram - Kirsten.enn

Copyright © Kirsten enn

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