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Vienna's back was slammed down against what she presumed was a chair. Still, she could only see darkness and still hear Hermione and Ron laughter. Although, they were more of a distance echo and all Vienna could focus on was her rigid breathing and the sweat dripping down her face and back.

Whoever's strong hands were on her were now gone and she went to pull whatever bag they put over her head but was stopped. Hands grabbed her wrist as something was wrapped around her waist, tugging her closer to the chair.

What the hell was this?

"We should do it now," it was Ron's eager voice Vienna heard in front of her

"No," Hermione's snappy voice came from behind her, "I want to talk to her first."

Then the bag was yanked off her head and her dark hair fell over her face. It was all frizzy and sweaty which only made this whole situation more annoying. She raised her hand and pushed it out of her face.

"You know, If you're going to kidnap someone then you should tie up their hands, not their waist," Vienna snarled and it was no effort for her to sound bored.

She was exhausted, not just from today but from the past weeks. This silly little predicament, she's found herself in is only slipping through her mind. She could break out of this char easily, (especially with her hands un-tied) but Vienna simply couldn't be bothered.

"I'll tie them up too if you really want?" Hermione assured her, the threat hanging from her mouth as she walked around her.

Vienna scoffed, looking around the familiar abandoned classroom which was lit in dim light.

"You think you're so smart don't you, Vienna?" now it was Ron's turn to speak up. It was quite funny, Vienna might have let out a laugh if she wasn't so tired. Watching them attempt to play Villians.

Vienna lazily grinned as her eyes turned back to his, meeting his despairing glare attempting to belittle her, "If you're trying to scare me, it's definitely not working. Whatever it is your wanting to do then just get on with it, I have things to do."

That was a lie, she had absolutely nothing to do but drink herself into sleep.

"Like what?" Hermione chirped in and Vienna rolled her eyes as she looked up at Hermione and her tangle of curls, "all you used to do was be Draco's little bitch," a smirk crawled onto her lips and Vienna wanted to smack it off, "—but now Draco is dead. I bet you must be real bored now you haven't got his arse to be licking."

Vienna felt her anger warm her veins and her hands clenched the chair she sat on until she felt it crack. Vienna thought how incredible it would feel to slit her throat and soak in her blood. But she refused to let Hermione get under her skin.

"Careful," Vienna's voice was threatening, "you sound jealous."

This time Vienna let herself smirk, remembering how Hermione watched Draco go down on her in the bathroom. Or the desperate words Hermione once uttered to her. Or every moment they hand, which was filled with lust and tension. Not to mention the box under Hemione's bed.

"I would never be jealous of a psychopath and his slut of a girlfriend," Hermione raised her chin, almost laughing at the realism of her words.

"Did you know what Draco was doing?" Ron was suddenly closer and his strangely large hand gripped the back of the chair, close to her shoulder, "I bet you did. I always knew both of you had something wrong with ya."

"You have no idea," Vienna raised her chin, getting as close as she could to Ron, grinning menacingly in his face.

"You are nothing anymore," Hermione was closer now, "you are nobody without Draco at your side. What are you going to do in the future? Live a happy little life without him? Yeah, right. You should just kill yourself now and get it over with.

Hermione's words cut sharper through her than she thought. It was as though Vienna's thoughts were spoken out loud to her. The words nothing and nobody pierced her heart like a knife. It was all true, every last word spoken.

And worst of all, Vienna couldn't find anything to snap back at her. Her mind didn't even think of anything. Her eyes pooled with tears and that made Vienna want to rip out her own eyes.

She was weak now.

"Oh," Ron chuckled, "looks like you've hit a nerve."

"You are nothing," Hermione growled again. Vienna couldn't even look at either of them in the eyes.

But her mind was flooding with thoughts, why was it so hard for her to be loved? What was wrong with her? It was like she was cursed and everything will always turn against her.

"Do it now," Vienna heard the words before the creak above her head echoed and then her heart jumped as something came crashing down on her. Something thick and wet, poured over her head and down her body.

She gasped as she got a disgusting metallic taste in her mouth. It was an effort not to gag. Vienna opened her eyes and saw dark red. They were laughing. But there weren't just two laughs anymore, there were more.

Harry and Seamus maybe? Ginny? Whoever it was, Vienna couldn't see them, she could only hear their taunting laughter.

Vienna cried. The weak little girl she was, cried. Not loud, silently and they couldn't tell from the red liquid covering her face.

"What is this?" Vienna yelled, it taste and smelled vile. Her voice was shaky and weak and she has never felt more dehumanised in her life.

She heard Hermione's voice, "blood," she laughed, "imagine it to be the blood of Draco's victims."

"Most likely her victims too," Vienna recognised the voice as Harry and he sounded disgusted.

Someone shoved her and Vienna felt like she was going to be sick, not only from the blood but the humiliation as well.

"Stop it—!" Vienna yelled as another hand shoved her.

And slowly, as her vision became clearer, their laughter faded. Vienna's tears were warm against her cheek. Hermione was right, this is no life worth living and she would have no future without Draco.

She was weak now. Nobody. Nothing.


Instagram - kirsten.enn

Copyright © kirsten enn

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