chapter 1

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Sunset was sitting in front of her school, writing to Princess Twilight. She was ranting about how all of her friends have a special someone except her.

Twilight didn't answer her right away, so sunset waited until later to check if she did. She went inside to meet her friends in the band hall. Everyone was talking but someone was in there that she did not expect to see.

It was flash. Why was he in there. She had no idea but decided to go over with her friends.

"Hey guys, how's everyone's day been." Sunset asked.

"Hey sunset, today was good but got even better now that i'm helping Flash was love advise. IVE NEVER GAVE LOVE ADVICE BEFORE AND NOW I AM THIS IS SO BIG HAHA." Rainbowdash practically screamed at sunset.

Love advice? What? She didn't know Flash had a girlfriend? But it's a good thing for him. He can forgot all the bad things she did to him when they dated.

"Ohhh does Flash have a girlfrienddd?"Sunset said with eyebrows.

Her and Flash were good friends so she joked when she said that.

"Maybe, but I need help deciding where I should take her on a date." He said.

"Oh Oh Oh you can go to the bar, the arcade, the movies, surgarcube corner, or or- " Pinkie was saying but got caught of by Twilight.

"Orrr you can go to the bbq place right down the street." she said.

The bbq down the street is where Sunset and Flash had their first date. She regrets everything she done to him but the past is the past.

"That's a good idea, thanks twilight!" Flash said and walked out of the room.

"Well i guess we all have dates to go on." Applejack said to the girls.

"Wait what? what do you mean by that?" Sunset asked curiously.

"Well Applejack and I are going on one, twilight and timber, pinkie and cheese, rarity and ragamuffin or whatever his name is, and then fluttershy and discord and you anddd oh- i forgot, sorry." rainbow dash said to her.

"yeah i don't have anyone to go on a date with. But you guys have fun tonight and i'll see y'all monday if we can't hangout this weekend." Sunset said.

Sunset walked out the schools door and was kinda upset by the fact all her friends were going on dates and then there's her. Lonely as ever.

She won't lie, she kinda misses Flash but she can't tell him that because now he has a girlfriend.

She knows that Flash won't take her back if he didn't have a girlfriend but she started to like him again.

——time skip to 9 pm at sunsets house——

Sunset was sitting on her bed watching tv. She was bored. Really bored. So she decided to go through all boxes that were in her closet.

The first box was filled with all of her baby stuff. The second box was filled with stuffed animals. And the third box was something she forgot about. It was her box when she was Flash.

She picked up a picture of them holding ice cream and Flash was kissing her cheek.

Their relationship was really good in the beginning but once she found twilight was a princess in Equestria she wanted all of the power, and then she just used Flash.

The rest of the box had Flashes old sweatshirts and stuff.

She picked one of them and overlooked the memory.

It was when they were on a date and Flash was trying to make her eat meat.

"I'm not eating that." she said to him.

"What! come on, it's really good. You might like it."

"Nope, nope. i'm not doing it."

"Please Sunset, for me." he said with puppy dogs eyes.

"Ughhh fine, but only one." she said while giggling.

She tried it and actually liked it but didn't tell him.

"Blah! it's really gross!"

"Hey i'm proud of you for trying it."

"Your welcome!" Sunset said.

"hehe love you!" Flash said kindly to her.

"Love you more!"

And with that the memory ended. She was about to cry. She didn't know why. She regrets everything. If she didn't get Twilights crown, maybe she would still have him.

She started to get tired so she packed everything up and put it back it in her closet.

She made it to her bed and fell asleep.

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