Chapter 4: Let's Be Bad Together

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Enjoy byee.
Word count: 1891(yeah long bitch)

It was, morning and I still haven't heard from Natasha.
She surly is having a lot of fun huh.

It was now early in the morning, and I was called to come to the safe house cause someone was caught sneaking around on security cameras and they were suspecting the intruder was still in.

I loaded my gun stepping in, silence. I didn't know should I be worried or not. As I walked into the living room, I felt pain in my right arm, I was shot. I groaned out loud as a man came out and I shot him multiple times into the chest. At the sound of the gunshot, all of my men suddenly appeared. 

"You idiots! How did this happen!? You're in the mafia and can't kill a single man, how did he get in the first place!?" I was now yelling at everyone frustrated in pain as the maid came in scared to death carrying first aid kit.

As I was cleaning my wound one of them spoke up "If you don't need us then why don't you do everything-" Before he could've said anything else, I picked my gun and shot him in the head. I couldn't deal with anyone's bullshit anymore.

"Does anyone else has something to add?" I said giving everyone in the room a death stare, daring them to say something.

"Good" I murmured loud so everyone can hear me, as the room silenced. Pussies.

I stormed out of the house aggressively shutting doors behind me. I opened shower doors and stepped in, hot water roaming my body, giving in as I needed to relax.
I switched my clothes with ones for work throwing old obes in the bin because they were covered in blood.

I was in the office when my assistant Thomas  came in.

"Ma'am there's a guy in the meeting room, apparently he wants to talk to you in person, it's important" He spoke not entering my office.

"Okay I will be there in a minute" I said flashing him a small smile because he seems scared around me.
He nodded and shut the door behind.

Just after him, I stood up grabbing a black leather jacket and making my way to the meeting room.

As I opened the door and stepped in I saw a tall figure standing and looking through the window.

"Son of a bitch!" I murmured loud enough for him to turn around.

James POV:

I pulled over to the Fiaz building, which was owned by Ernaline. Apparently her father Enzo doesn't have any legal work as Ernaline does.
Her company works mainly on interior designs which I find very interesting. I parked my car, and in front of me was standing a large black building with dark windows so you can't see anything from outside.

At the reception I could see a lot of people coming in and out, women and men, ones that were part of Mafia and one that just worked in the designing industry, all mixed together.

"Hi I'm here for a business talk with Ms. Fiaz, it's important" I said to the woman next to me in a dominant voice as she spoke to me.

"I will call her assistant, and tell him you're coming, now may I get your name?

"It's James, James Barnes"

"Alright, Mr. Barnes, when you go to the elevator press the button with the number 10 on it and there should be a man with black hair waiting for you.
Have a great rest of the day" the woman told me flashing me a smile, surly not catching up with my name.

I went up the elevator and was greeted by a tall man, with brown hair and brown eyes with a bunch of papers in his hand looking at the watch on his hand.
I wouldn't be surprised if he was sleeping with Ernaline.

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