Chapter 31: Bleeding Love

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Word count: 1304

"Come on, tell me. What do you want my buddy Pab? Money? sure I have a lot of that, how much do you want? Gold bars, villas, diamonds, drugs? Whatever you need. just let me gooo and we can talkkkk." I spoke out, strapped to this not so comfortable chair, looking at my favourite buddy Pab!

"Oh no suka, I don't want anything for your freedom. I want you. I want to make you suffocate, scream, cry and beg a for quick death. But we both know what you deserve is to rot in hell, isn't it?" Maybe, just maybe, I was a little bit worried for myself at this exact moment. Something was turning around in my stomach and pressing me further into the chair, I even believe for a slight second that my arms gave in, paralyzed.

But that was all a lie. A manipulating game my mind was playing with me.
I've been here. I've done the talk. The suffering. The screaming. He just doesn't know it all.  He doesn't know that. "Now that's about too harsh don't you think? I don't think I ever treated you like this...did I? What did I do to deserve this horrible betrayal from my most loyal...well not anymore.

"This this was your only fucking flaw," In this exact room, wasn't his presence that scared me. It was the table. Table full of sharp objects or the ones that help the sharp ones. He was speaking through gritted teeth. There was a dagger in his hand. Not any kind of dagger. More danger. More emotional confusion. It... it's a lie. A copy. Not the original. It has to be. Even though my mind was corrupted, this man kept talking.

"You never did a deep search in who you're hiring. At least not deep enough. You, know me as Pablo. A guy over there, in the sky, on clouds, knows me too. But like his father. Not a random guy. Not a weird Italiano. Not a killer. Like a dad. And you took that away from me. Since you can't get pregnant, so I can't return the feeling. I will return you a more, real, one. One you feel on your skin." He pressed the golden dagger against my heart, with pressure that cut through my clothes. I wanted to kill him so bad, but one wrong move and I will be the dead one. Just wait. Just wait. I thought to myself. "I don't understand what are you saying! I never laid a finger on your family! You're a big-time liar if you think that about me. Mafia is my family. You were part of the family at some point!"

He dipped the dagger in, slowly carrying down. It cut open the fabric of my clothes, which was tight glued on me and I thanked myself for picking it out. I prayed for it to stick to my skin as much as it could. Not the dagger. The clothes!

"Ah yes. True true. Familia. But what about before the familia. What about guards you killed that night? The night you escaped your father's warehouse. What did the guards do to you for you to slice their throats, leaving them to choke on their blood? Unable to scream, or move from the floor. Mhm? Why are you quiet now huh!? What did they do!? TELL ME." I screamed in agony as cut me with the knife. Dear Lord. It wasn't a deep cut, but it doesn't have to be deep to hurt.

"I was on fucking drugs! I was on fucking drugs that night! Okay! I barely saw anything! He gave me so many drugs I could barely stand. Apparently to make resistance on them. Then-then- then those men started coming inside my fucking room. I wasn't dumb okay! And that wasn't the first time either! Your son was one of them. I don't know which one. I don't need to know which one. They all wanted the same thing and that labelled them the same! I saw a chance to free myself from the abuse and assaults I was being put under, and I took it! I motherfucking took the fucking chance to get out of living hell like any other person would've!" He kicked me. I screamed. He hit me. I screamed. He carved harder.

Not to sound dramatic or anything, but I screamed cause I saw a rat eating a finger. A human finger.

So when is this dipshit going to realise that there's no blood on the knife where he's cutting me.

The doors swung open at such speed that I was sure they were gonna fall off. They didn't.

Pablo turned around, looking at a devilish 6'3 man, with a nice beard and blue eyes that stared at him, wanting to rip his soul apart. Jaimy...

James uses the opportunity of Pablo not having a gun to shoot him...but he shoots him in the shoulder? Why didn't he? Untranslatable sound came out of his mouth before he jumped right on the top of my buddy Pab, who was still processing what was happening, just like I was. "If she's missing one single hair from her head more than she should, I will make your suffering three times longer, you fucking bitch you don't even deserve to exist at all." James three punches directly at his head over, over and over again.

His bright blue eyes weren't so blue anymore, they were filled with anger that consumed him and now he's taking it out on him. He didn't even stop hitting him, so caught up in his world of pain. Je only stopped when  Steve came in and got him off of Pablos' body. He came back to normal human senses once his eyes got set on mine. Steve got out of the room, him and some other men carrying Pablo alive. Who was indeed alive. Probably to torture him even more.

"Putting a tracking chip inside my arm wasn't that had of idea was it?" I said, waiting for James to finally untie my hands. He was still and silent until he stood in front of me, he's so close to mine. He wrapped his hands around my waist, lifting me and hugging me as tight as I've ever been. "Don't fucking do shit like this. I care too much. Fuck, if something happened to you, and I didn't come in time- I can't fucking live without you, you mean too much to me doll. I know you might not feel it, or that you want to deny it, but I fucking love you. I love every inch of your body, every corner of your mind, every word formed by those lips of yours.' Resting our foreheads against each other, we shared one long mean full eye contact. Cupping his face with my hands, I whispered "I love you too big man." before pulling him in for a passionate kiss.

He's my happiness. I'm his happiness.

I love him. He loves me.

I trust him. He trusts me.

I would kill for him. He would kill for me.

Gosh, I want to have this man's babies.

It's a day. A very special day. My old lifestyle and horrible things, I decided to shove down in a hole and burden forever. Today, I choose to turn a new page, empty one and start writing it with him, my only.

Maybe, when you think the world hates you, it shows you a bit of kindness, a bit of light in dark paths. Hold on to that light.

That's it for now, the last chapter coming at some point in the weekend. It's such a crazy adventure it was. Stay tuned for the end. ;)

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